Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Wandering
Electric Guitar Player, Composer, Arranger, Music Producer
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With 15 years experience and wandering career as an artist (Tenth Electric), Touring Musician (Eckoes), Producer (The Beach + 100s more) and Mix engineer (See Credits); Max has a unique perspective on mixing and mastering as he has experienced the process from all sides. Treating mixing as more art than science.
My goal is to create a sound that send the listeners into a whole other universe. I believe that music is the driver of the soul, so I aim to mold a track to hit deeper than just the ear drums. My specialty is making tracks tight and punchy. Prices are tailored for home studio artist because I know and appreciate the grind of the mancave production
More versatile than you're used to... I sing, rap, and executive produce. So I'm taking this time to shine upon you and I hope my example songs you will peruse. I'm very versatile for whatever you'll pursue. Kindly pay my fee and I'll deliver prose for use. I'm writing very quickly to connect with pros like you. Cool?
Composer, Musician, Arranger, Virtual Orchestrator. I'm open to explore. I have always a good stress endurance keeping mental clarity. I Like: Watching and understanding, knowing and getting excited. Wandering without a goal, always with an empty suitcase. I Dislike: Whoever critizises a fish for climbing up a tree, everyone is a genius!
UK Americana Awards 'Instrumentalist of the Year' 2020. Current drummer for The Wandering Hearts and Stick in the Wheel (Americana/Folk) Credits include: Jessie Buckley (Wild Rose movie 2019), She Drew the Gun, China Crisis, Fink, as well as BBC/BFI film soundtracks.
"U.K record producer, celebrated for reaching the top 10, Pedro Vito and Seb Sternberg have certifications in both gold and platinum as songwriters and are versatile multi-instrumentalists.
I am the bass player for the Pop Americana group The Wandering Hearts, and have done sessions for the likes of Shania Twain, Jeremy Loops, Simone Felice, David Baron and many other independent artists.
Break Through The Noise - Send me your project file and let me breathe life and dynamics via mixing & mastering.
Recent Successes
"This is the second time I ask Nathan to help on my tracks. Efficient and professional as usual,He worked his magic to bring out the best of my tracks even though it was not-so-high-quality early recordings!"
"Bumping the mix like business as fecking usual. Count is 30 originals, 10 covers and 1 collaboration for a total of 41 and counting...always a pleasure!"
"I have yet to ask for a revision. He is the best. Will continue coming back again and again. Highly recommend."
"Dale mastered a track for me and it sounds fantastic! Dale was super timely and clear, I really appreciated the check-ins to make sure everything was sounding great. Brian Squillace, https://soundbetter.com/profil..."
"Daniel is such a talented professional. The way he communicates, and how he gets into every detail to make sure he gets it right is exactly what I needed for this calibre of a job. Can't wait to work him on another so..."
"Francesco was great to work with. He was very responsive and I really appreciated his mixing and mastering talents. Sounded far better than my rough mix."
"Brittany was fast, professional and delivered a superior product. Incredible voice that sounds at home in any mix. Not only a quick turnaround but was open to revisions which came back within a couple days."