Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Viva Belgrado
Sound Engineer, Music Producer, Songwriter, Singer, Guitar Player.
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My name is Marcel and I am the owner of "SoundSquirrel - Online Mixing Service for Pop, Rock and Singer-Songwriter Styles". I am involved in professional recording studios for almost 6 years now, although I'm only 22 years old. Let this pair of fresh ears skyrocket your production.
Very easy to work with and very reliable.
Hello! My name is Jack Parker and I've been in the music industry for the past 25 years producing, writing, recording and touring. One of the albums i co-produced even went to #2 on the Billboard 200 chart - billboard.com/charts/billboard-200/2012-01-28.
Highly-trained sound engineer with strong musical background, putting emphasis on delivering modern, exciting and high quality productions. Professional for over 5 years.
A Special Mix
George is a creative Mixing Engineer and Producer whose most recent mixing work includes tracks for the likes of Grammy Award nominated artist Lianne La Havas, Maverick Sabre, Beverly Knight, Roachford, Rahsaan Paterson, Majestic Casual, Jodie Abacus etc
Sound artist, music producer, guitarist. Based in London. 6 years Music producer experience. 7 years guitarist experience.
Over a decade of experience writing and recording rock bands and productions. I pride myself in being a one-stop-shop for all things music production, including writing, recording, mixing, and mastering. I have enjoyed working with artists from all over, including GOSH, Uncommon Thieves, Paul Bright, kayla, Jordynne England, and many more.
Recent Successes
"Jeff took the original mixes that he worked on and added just the right amount of shine in mastering all 16 tracks. As an unsigned band trying to make a mark Jeff has provided the perfect starting point for our first ..."
"One of the best! I’ve worked with her many times, always worth it."
"Great song producer, he's easy to work with, great communicator and can produce great songs!"
"Professional work Well worth it "
"It’s genuinely incredible a drummer as gifted as Greg is publicly available for session work. Apart from being a world class musician, he’s also exceptionally kind and passionate about his work but also music in gener..."
"My third track with Jessie.... and I'll keep coming back. A beautiful voice and she works exceptionally hard at delivering your vison for the song. Great partner! "
"Multiple project repeat client, and I will be coming back again... Rob has an amazing set ears, with an an awesome sense of imagery for a song. Add on a genuinely great personality...I love this guy."
"Nate is a total pro. He was very responsive and was more than willing to get the right drum takes for me. He took my feedback from his first round of takes, and adjusted the kick drum to the exact pattern I wanted. ..."
"Daniele is such a great guitar player and can provide anything you want! Always a pleasure to work with. "