Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Grant Anderson
With over a million streams on music I’ve produced and written, I bring a unique, melody-driven approach to songwriting and production. In today’s fast-paced music landscape, it’s essential to create tracks that stand out and captivate from the very first note. I Excel at grabbing attention with strong hooks and maintaining it throughout the song
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Professional Recording Studio.
I am a producer/engineer with an eclectic taste and an ear for detail. I'm looking for projects!
Hello! My name is Mads Dalum Poulsen, I'm a freelance musician based in Denmark. Currently I've been playing bass for 10 years. Quality-Minded.
I make electronic-influenced pop music for purpose driven artists.
Electric bass mercenary, creative synther and eventually singer-guitar player
Posso todas as coisas naquele que me fortalece!
I can make your tracks sound legit and professional
Hi, I'm a professional music producer with extensive experience in creating high-quality productions. I specialize in producing tracks across various genres and offer services in mixing and mastering. Additionally, I can compose original music tailored to your needs. Let's collaborate and bring your musical vision to life
Recent Successes
"This is the third track Jaytech has mixed/mastered for me, and as always, nothing short of amazing. Very professional and makes sure you're satisfied with every mix."
"Such a nice & talented lady, a true professional who kept me up-to-date and who was very transparent about her work & timing. Not a single false promise with me, only great results, fast returns and met expectancies. ..."
"always a pleasure to work with Aaron. His feedback and work are great. He always helps bring my songs to next level"
"Wow it was such a pleasure to work with Dorenz, he completely took this song to the next level and exceeded my expectations; talented person who's also a super kind soul, really enjoyable experience and I'm excited to..."
"Aaron has done an unreal job mastering my new track! He never lets me down, always brings his knowledge and skills to the project to bring out my work's maximum performance🔥"
"Darren knocked a Beach Boy bgv arrangement out of the park. Incredible. I had half an arrangement and he finished it in a matter of hours. We are talking a Beach Boy type song. Brian Wilson like arrangements are extre..."
"Brandon always goes above and beyond to give you what you need. His musical instincts are incredible and this brings about top notch results every time. I always get big compliments on his outstanding vocals when shop..."