Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Visa Solutions Healthcare
Quick Turnarounds, High Quality.
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Specialized in Hip Hop, Trap and R&B production. Over 30K instrumentals licensed & sold to artists in 45 different countries. Provided samples and compositions for Eminem, Jeezy, Russ, Joey Bada$$, H.E.R, Jhené Aiko, Kehlani, Tory Lanez, Eric Bellinger, Ty Dolla $ign, King Combs and many more. 15+ years of experience.
I help to bring musical ideas to life in a creative way regardless of genre. I currently have music on many media platforms (TV, web series, Apple Music, etc)
If a song misses something, I know what is missing.
fà de boa musica criativo musico amador aprendiz de produtor
I will mix and master your tracks using the latest analog gear, and high-end plugins.
Soy DAN Cantante y compositor. Puedo ayudarte con la composición de tu canción
Mixing and Mastering services for modern music. From Rap to Techno, get the best out of your songs and hook the listener.
Recent Successes
"If you know what you aiming for composition wise . This is your guy "
"Bram is literally the best, my track got top industry level sound at an unbeatable price within 3 days. I didn't think it could be possible but this dude delivers! He is super fast to respond, and really gets to know ..."
"It was the second time and Aliz did a great job again. Communication with him is great. In addition to the main vocals, he also sang super old school metal choirs. Aliz is a reliable partner for your production. Th..."
"It was absolutely amazing getting the opportunity to work with Mr. Kilhoffer. The work provided was top notch. He was able to bring out the track in a way that does justice to the track. He offered his thoughts and op..."
"Vaughn Faison is my go to for my singer-songwriter vibes. the best gift is having My lyrics, vocals, and music re-intepreted by a great singer and artist like Vaughn He never disappoints. I feel the original passion..."
"I had the honor of working with Mr. Ho on a track recently. His production skill is EXCELLENT, and the speed at which he operates is astounding. He brought a unique flair to my music, delivering a polished piece way a..."
"Great experience, fast and friendly communication, and even more important: great result exactly on the spot!! Absolutely recommendable, and surely worth another job. Thanks!!"