Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vince lawrence
Engineer @studio11chicago & @engineears Producer & Engineer @fnfstudios Bassist & Live Programmer for @two.depressed.kids & @smoking_wires_music
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Hello! My name is Aaron Hendrickson, and I am an audio engineer located in Atlanta, GA. I record at a beautiful facility called American Sushi Recording Studio in the heart of Atlanta's Little 5 Points. I strive to provide a comfortable yet professional recording experience, and to zero in on the desires of my clients to bring their vision to life
Hi i'm Matt, i'm a professional Drummer and Producer from Italy. I've worked with some European and USA artist and i start to play drums when i was 6 years old. The music is my life and i'm very happy to do this like a job, but for me is a game... "The Game".
I am a producer and composer who has had music featured in numerous TV shows and feature films. Most notably I wrote and produced music for 8 seasons of Showtime's Dexter. I have also produced several full length albums, EPs and songs for a variety of artists.
My goal is to bring your vision to life.
I will write a rap song for you. I can also rap or sing the song myself you must provide the beat, it cost extra if I must provide the beat. I can also mix songs if you have dry stems or the session file. My in house producers can also produce the track if you know what sound you want.
I am a highly imaginative 2D animator, and my expertise lies in crafting creative hand-drawn animations. I have successfully brought to life the creative visions of various industry artists.
I’m a professional mix/master engineer seeking to provide quality work at an affordable rate.
Recent Successes
"This was the best mastering job done on any of my songs by anyone so far. "
"I have been extremely happy with Clayton's ability to be flexible, creative and provide valuable input in the mixing phase of my songs. I started with one song and am now doing several more with him. Clayton has made ..."
"Amazing, passionate vocals. Very professional and easy to work with!"
"Excellent and creative mixer! And a really great guy on a personal level. Was a pleasure! "
"Wow! IRoc Omega is the real deal! He is so talented and he turned the rough ideas we had into gold! So Professional and gracious, I already immediately started a new project with him to keep that amazing vibe going! C..."
"What a great work from Fabian! If you produce EDM, he is the perfect guy to work with."
"Working with Sean was great! Definitely 5 stars. He genuinely cares about getting the best end result for your project & has a great ear in choosing what makes the most sense creatively. On top of that, he's extremely..."