Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with víctor
Carlos Marrero is a singer, songwriter and producer from the Canary Islands based in Madrid, Spain. As a solo artist, he currently releases music under the moniker El Marido Ideal, a project through which he has earned a place in the Spanish and Latin underground by showcasing a style he has kind of ironically baptized as "hyperfolk".
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Thank you for checking out my listing! I am a versatile music producer & mixing engineer with a down-to-earth attitude, fast and efficient work ethic and a tremendous passion for what I do.
I would love to work on your song remotely! Canadian Songwriter, Producer, Guitarist of 20+ years. Diverse playing styles - acoustic, rock, metal, pop, country, blues... and more Fully equipped digital/analog studio with highest quality gear. My focus is on providing the right tracks for your song, and will work at it until you are 100% satisfied.
A talented writer who's comfortable composing or arranging music for either studio recordings or concert works.
Makes video edit in theater show.
My mission is to create and mix sounds. Produce music, listen, feel, test. My vision is always to transform feelings that can be felt by others through sound.
Experienced music producer, arranger and songwriter. I have a good ear for great sound. I have a recording studio and do mastering.I help out with songwriting, music to lyrics, help with arrangements and music productions, and can help you from start to final songs produced and mastered for distribution to streaming , CD's, movies and Vinyl/LPs
Producer and engineer with over 7 years of experience specialize in eletronic musics, and warm songs.
Valentino Torres: Producer, Mixing & Mastering Engineer at 42 Records in Atlantic City. 5+ years of experience. UAD gear. In-the-box workflow. Quick response & top-notch care. Guaranteed satisfaction. Let's elevate your sound together!
Recent Successes
"Really happy with the first track we've worked together. Matthew is really a team player and did everything as best he could to make the song unique. This is the 2nd project we work together and will be continuing to ..."
"Erika always does a great job recording the full vocals on my tracks. Professional with top notch performance. She is my go to vocalist to make my songs shine."
"Amazing mix/master! Quick turnaround, easy to communicate with. Highly recommended for anyone looking to bring their project to the next level!"
"Y Andrés lo hizo una vez más! Un trabajo de muy alto nivel, con el feedback además en el medio que me permitió mejorar muchísimo la mezcla. Muchas gracias maestro! - And Andrés did it one more time! A very high level ..."
"Jeni is an absolute joy to work with! She really understands what a song needs and is able to deliver spectacular results! :)"
"Anthony took an old unpolished demo and created an impressive new sleek version. All done from scratch/by ear, very patient with us. Would highly recommend his production skills!"
"What a pleasure it was to work with Eileen. Working with her was smooth from start to finish. Her vocals just took the song to a whole new level and that extra FX, and background vocals she added...total hit. I look f..."