Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Various indie artists
Indie, Dream Pop, Folk & Blues Music Producer/Songwriter
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I love my craft, and my work reflects it. No matter the project or situation, I look to make each VO Project and song enjoyable and satisfactory. It is my complete Obsession to achieve the best sounds possible, and taking them form ideas to complete bodies of work.
Toplines for several major producers, including songwriting, track & vocal recording, editing and basic mixing.
Gerard Sidhu is a mixer, producer and writer based in Melbourne, Australia. As one half of the international electronic duo, Strange Talk, it is this first-hand experience as a signed artist that’s given Gerard true understanding of the artist and mixer/producer relationship and the intricate process involved.
Hello! I am Zachary Laev Jablow. I am a Platinum Producer and Engineer. My clients include Mac Miller and Chance The Rapper. I am here to help you achieve your sonic goals. I have a team of musicians, co-writers and singers. I can be your one-stop-shop!
POP & EDM Producer. My music qualified to the TOP 15 of The World's Biggest Demo Drop. I've worked with many producers from Poland, Germany etc. and got supported by Jay Hardway, Kim Kaey, Anton Powers and Hexagon's producers. We'll make a BANGER together!
I'm a top of the line singer/songwriter who is passionate about Pop & R&B! You could say I'm a spawn of the 90's-00's era. I've been recording music for over 10 years, so I'm quite efficient working through long and meticulous recording sessions. I amassed around 70,000+ streams on a Fetty Wap remix some years back, which I did just for fun!
Lyrics, bars and toplines according to your needs and what suits you the best.
Extremely passionate electronic musician and mixing engineer with 10 years of experience in audio. I have signed 3 record deals and my music has been listened to by about 20,000 people in the past year alone. I deeply love music and what it means to people, and I love helping people sound as good as they can.
Recent Successes
"The consummate performer. Always on point!"
"Konstantin is an engineer who is listening to the producer, he is very available and does a great job, the sound is very clean! I recommend it thank you again and I will ask for other music"
"iMi is absolutely fantastic-- in musicality as well as personality. He brings a very unique style to the table-- his smooth, smoky sound is bar none. Definitely hire this guy."
"Smashed it as usual Tyree goes in!!!!"
"absolutely brilliant. Wonderful voice and extremely professional recording approach with intuitive options delivered on brief. "
"It's almost two years that we're working together!! Can you Believe that!! If you're not sure about your project, just let her know about your idea then she will finish it perfectly!! "
"Kuyano did everything I asked and more. The project I had needed a ton of fixing and it took many revisions. The whole time he responded quickly and was able to get my track sounding absolutely perfect. I 100% recomme..."
"Guilherme was a Joy to work with. Everything from communication, his playing, the sound of the recording, everything was on a different level, and inspiring to me. It was a pleasure working with him, and will defini..."
"Nailed it as always :) "