Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Vana
Auckland music producer/audio engineer #1 New Zealand iTunes album on a $60 microphone (2021), 1M+ streams on a single (2023), #33 Canadian Charts (2023), 4-weeks charting NZ top 40 album (2024). But... accolades don't matter! What matters is that I care about bringing your vision to life as best as I can.
Producer/Ghost-producer specialized in EDM, Pop, and Hip Hop music. I've worked with various indie artists over the last couple of years and the songs I've produced have amassed over 1 million listeners on different platforms.
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Soulful & funky, crisp & clear, masterful harmonic and rhythmic complexity and sweet sounding simplicity. I have been working at the forefront of NYC's Jazz and Latin music scenes, performing & recording with some of the top musicians in the world including Orquesta Akokán (nominated for a grammy in 2019) & reggae legend Burning Spear.
If you've got the thread of a song, let's make it into something you could wear on the runway. I performed at the Havana Jazz Festival this past January - wrote the music, rehearsed the band, performed on guitar alongside a talented jazz vocalist.
QTPoC multifaceted musical artist specializing in original rock music composition and production, NIRVANA covers, session drumming and mixing/mastering
Ready for excellence? Look no more! I am a professional and versatile violinist in Lima, Peru. However, we can work together wherever you are. Just let me know how I can help!
VOCALS: Versatile, Vulnerable, Vigorous --- Addicted to capturing/conveying emotion! "Awesome vocalist" -Dave Fortman (Producer: Slipknot, Evanescence, Mudvayne) "Production and performances Sound killer and it is very memorable and catchy. Nice work all around.." -Adam Kasper (Engineer/Producer: Nirvana, Soundgarden, Foo Fighters, Aerosmith)
I am a music producer who can perform multiple instruments (Piano, Guitar,Violin,Flute and Harmonica) Music producer and also writes lyrics for songs.
Session and/or live bass work for Frank Ocean, David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, Bullion, Sampha, Orlando Weeks, Hayden Thorpe, Laura Groves, Vegyn, Westerman, and many others. I was the bass player on Frank Ocean's 'Blond' and 'Endless' albums, and I play in his live band. I also played on Hannah Peel's 2021 Mercury Prize nominated album, 'Fir Wave'.
I am a singer and songwritter of urban music
Recent Successes
"it was great working with Gekko! Super fast, crisp sounding production, ready to work on another! Thank you :)"
"Kadis just delivered the sound I heard in my head with little guidance. I’ve found most engineers just can’t deliver that IT sound but Kadis can! Don’t waste your time and money elsewhere on a bad mix. Do it the right..."
"Zack was incredibly easy to talk to, he knew what I wanted the moment I showed him a reference of what I was thinking about, matter of fact he made a better idea for my track. He is also patient, as I was vocal dif..."
"Pat consistently delivers. He is beyond talented and can make anything that is in my head. He is just a world class producer, musician and collaborator. I highly recommend him. "
"Rory is one of the best singers I've ever worked with here on Soundbetter. A natural talent for writing and a unique and powerful voice! He immediately understood what I wanted and delivered me precise and high quali..."
"Spectacular design. Though walkerdunnvisuals praised me in that I provided plenty of content for reference, I literally sent over like 4 pictures of screen shots from True Detective, Twin Peaks, and Blade Runner and w..."
"Started working with Dan in 2020 just as the pandemic was starting. 15 songs later, I consider Dan not only a creative partner but also a great friend. Tremendously talented and innovative, any musician is lucky to wo..."
"Nico is such a nice guy! His work is sophisticated and so speedy. He would help your work by many aspects. I'll totally recommend him to anyone, especially dance genre."
"Adam has a great ear. He's very patient and thorough, and his work is always really high quality. I'm very happy to recommend Mount Olympia Mastering."