Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Van Dammesel
Specializing in metal, hardcore, punk and indie rock. I'm passionate about raw, real performances. I want to help bring out the best version and vision of your song possible.
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Mikael Johnston is a Producer, Engineer, Mixer & Remixer who's work has hit the Billboard Charts 18 times with 9 top tens and 4 number ones. His 20 years of experience runs the gamut of the music and recording industry going from independent artist to major label artist, producer and remixer to Billboard charting mixer and engineer.
I have been playing sax for more than 20 years, and enjoy arranging horns for Reggae and Ska. I love to blend this music with other styles such as jazz, soul, and latin, but I can do some roots as well. I also offer Recording, Editing, Scores & pre-mixing of the horns so you can get the image for your final mix.
Let's make some music!
I'm a talented guy whose 18. I lost my hearing at the age of one and a half years old.
Need a touch of professionalism in your project? Look no further.
Music Producer & Sound Designer
Let’s work together on your next project! I have over 10 years experience to help provide you with excellent service and help you achieve the results you are looking for. I provide a number of services from recording, mixing, mastering, as well as production and songwriting consulting.
I'll record top quality acoustic and electric guitar for your projects. I can also record vocals. Vintage gear and good taste assured.
Recent Successes
"Marcello the magician! Waves his magic wand across my songs and they turn into alchemy--pure gold! There's aren't enough superlatives to describe his work! Better get him while you can!"
"Daniel was professional, polite, and communicated regularly. He composed a beautiful melody for our original song project that we can take into the recording studio. Thank you so much Daniel! Keep making music for th..."
"Really talented, fast, and gentle singer. Really recommended!"
"It was a pleasure to work with Cory he provided so many other parts than what we expected with a high-sounding quality ! Will continue working with him in the future !! "
"Rest did an amazing Job on this track. He captured the mood perfectly and showed off some great turntable skills. He responded quickly to my feedback on the first pass and knocked it out of the park. I will be looking..."
"Great comunication and delivered a great master :)"
"Good singer, always works to give you what you want on leAD AND BGS."
"Matt just mixed & mastered a song of mine. There is nothing left to say but: Excellent! Professional; great communication; musically....highly recommend! A+"
"Wow! Myrah is amazing!…….Thats my review!"
"Franky was friendly & professional - with solid work and quick turnarounds! I will definitely work on my next afro house remixes again with him. Great producer! "