Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ultimos Canguros
I can produce, compose, mix and master your demo and turn it into a professional song!
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MFSound is a special digital service run by Matthias Springer and related to electronic Music
Session guitarist, track record includes recording sessions and international tours with artists including Roger Waters, Mike Oldfield, Suede, Scott Walker, Slim Whitman, David Allen Coe, Kirsty McColl, Sarah Brendel, David Dundas, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Westernhagen, David Mead, Henning Staerk, Toyah, and many more.
Sound like you've never heard it before
From Orchestras to Horn Sections, Janelle Monae to Kathy Lee Gifford....
Im a home studio producer and I will try and help develop your songs to the next level.
Make Your Sh*t Groove - Great Sounding Drums (No Sample Replacement!)
New here! No reviews but I can make up for it in expertise. I've worked on music with several collaborators including sounds from Cymatics, Omar Vega Jr. and Quantum Rexx. Let's get your mix rolling.
Experience working with NIGHTMODE, NCS, MONTA, DIM MAK, Lilly Era etc... Official remixes for artists such as: PEEKABOO, Lipless & More. Versatile in multiple genres, ranging from UKG/Dubstep to Deep House.
Recent Successes
"Wes is one of the best engineers I've had the pleasure of working with. He started work on my album and brought it to the next level. He offered useful advice as well throughout the process. It has been a great experi..."
"James was a pleasure to work with, very quick and professional service. He made sure I was happy every step of the way and thought about what was the best for the track in a subjective manner. 10/10 mixing and masteri..."
"nate is an AMAZING drummer! added exactly what my songs needed and brought them to life. his communication is great. he will do the drums on all my projects. couldn't recommend enough!"
"Always such a pleasure working with Andres! Really enjoy his masters and professionalism"
"ABSOLUTE FIVE STARS!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I pretty much got EXACTLY what I wanted. I had an idea in mind and the creativity of the idea was really brought about. I love how experienced Joe is. It was truly a masterpiece in my mi..."
"second experience with her. ivy proved to be a great interpreter, always precise, she immediately understands what you want to get from the song. if you want your songs with emotion, choose it! I will definitely..."
"It was a pleasure working with Ni'elle. She was completely professional and we highly recommend working with her. "
"Giulia has a wonderful voice and she knows how to use it! If you have a good beat or a good song she will topline and record your stuff in a professional, flawless and emotional way. I'll work again with her for sure...."