Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Uday Kiran UK
Professional Full Time Audio Production Studio.
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First Class Honorous (1:1) Bachelor of Arts in Audio Production at SAE Institute/Middlesex University, Avid's Pro Tools Certified, with ten years of experience and +500 projects completed with clients based all over the world. High quality, precision, great communication & fast turnaround.
Started out making beats as a hobby. Further studies and certification has taken me in the direction of a mix engineer. I've currently worked in studio (locally) with 6 artists, and looking to spread my reach to independent artists around the globe.
Composer and producer behind JIVE64 (Warner Music Israel / Redlight Media) for the last 10 years. Remixed various artists like Peter Gabriel, David C, Marq Aurel, Yeho and more. My specialty is Electronic and Pop music with retro touches.
Electric and Acoustic Guitar Player - Perfect Balance Between Melodies and Vocabulary, Tight Rhythmic, Great Tone. Blues - Rock - Funk - Pop - Jazz
I'm well versed in mixing and mastering for hip-hop as well as heavier genre music. I produce and create beats. I'm also available to record and mix drum tracks for any genre.
Female singer songwriter, skilled in modern, operatic, and jazz styles of singing.
Unique and creative composer and producer specializing in a wide range of genres and styles
Recent Successes
"Another beautiful job by Anna. "
"I was working on a new song and based on previous work with Jordiii I knew his voice would be perfect for it--he has a totally unique sound and it's very emotional. So I reached out to him and he delivered as expected..."
"Yes yes yes he has done it again, excellent vocal tracks and melodic line what gets a bad song to an unbelievable good song, THX my bro we have 3 more to go. Perfect as always."
"Bailey was absolutely amazing! From her amazing communication skills down to her impeccable professionalism! She did such an amazing job on bringing my song to life! She absolutely killed it! It is a hit! I will be wo..."
"Another amazing song together with Robbie! He's a big part of the album I'm planning on releasing soon and he was a pleasure to work with! Profesional, patient and just overall top notch! Highly recommended! "
"Absolutely insane as I'm getting used to! "
"Paul was incredibly patient and understanding throughout the process. He took all of my rough notes (sometimes quite lengthy and scattered!) and turned them into magic. He meticulously made every change I requested an..."