Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with U2 How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb
Greg Collins is a record producer, mixer, and recording engineer, best known for his work with No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, U2, Eels, Matchbox Twenty, and KISS.
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When I started my work as sound engineer in 1979 I was a guitar player and singer in a Rock band. That helped my sound engineer and producer career to grow very quickly. I still love music and consider any record I do as the most important in my life
Hey Artist, my name is Kuro and I've helped plenty of dedicated musicians achieve their dream sound and grab the attention of their audiences. Whether you're an established band, singer, producer or simply a passionate creative artist, I'm here to help and will do to the best of my ability. Examples of my work: https://soundcloud.com/demoakuro
Seasoned Musician(Hip Hop), Writer, Engineer, and Performer also working to develop and write for other musicians and help bring your musical visions to life. Over 100k streams on Spotify. Music Featured on VH1, LifeTime, ABC, and WeTv
Unlike many other music professionals on this platform I have no awards and have not worked with very famous artists! BUT I do have a typical german hard ass work ethic, some very great analog gear and really know how to use it and more importantly, I want your song to shine and make you smile! Everytime!
Gregg "Stormzone" Greer is A highly creative Music Producer & Mix Engineer from Chicago, and also based in NYC. I have 30 years of experience making music being mentored by a music legend. My music style is rooted in Gospel, R&B, Soul, Hip Hop and inspirational. Greer owns interest including Radio, TV and an independent Record Label Soul America.
Killer vocalist, violinist, top-liner available to work!
I can sing layered harmonies and backup vocals that will be the ear candy you're looking for. I've got an extensive choir background & a career as a solo artist/one-man-band. I'm fast, I can record professional takes from home and send them to you or your mixer easily, and I have the musicality to complement any style. LGBTQIA+ to the front!
I've worked directly with artists like Rivio (10M+ streams), ay-Mill (10M+ streams, and multiple TV placements) or Boges (opening DJ for Steve Aoki or Laidback Luke, released on labels like Hexagon or Revealed Recordings and has 2M+ streams on his own songs). My own music crossed the 1M+ mark just a few weeks ago.
Recent Successes
"Tyler has In luv with ,vocal skills, demonstrating the songs potentials, what I had envision it to be,giving the song elements, that would make it stand out, giving it a blue print for the recording artist and produce..."
"Suvi is so awesome to work with. She went the extra mile to make sure I got the style of vocal I was looking for a nailed it. I highly recommend and will be working with her again very soon!! :)"
"Amazing work, great communication! Delivered ahead of schedule. Highly recommend Tyree! He really came through for me on this project and I will definitely work with him again. A+ "
"Lydia did a fast and way-creative interpretation of a Reggae song in which there was no piano but now there is wonderful piano with an unexpected and interesting spin. Perfect. Brilliant. Smart. Cool. I could on a..."
"WOW! ...... Words cannot describe how happy I am with Myah's vocal, she is an absolute professional. It's easy now for me to see why she works with the people she does, she has literally bought my track to life and a..."
"Brittany is a pro and her first vocals are often THE vocal! She knows just what to do with the melodies, and is dead on with pitch.Added to my list of pro vocalists to use on my songs!"
"Had the best experience working with Chris! He was quick, super easy to communicate with, and nailed the sound I was looking for in my mix. Highly recommend! "
"He is my go to and the reason why I started and continue to use sound better. Creative and articulate on the drums, every sound was exactly what I wished for with feeling and conviction. What else can I say but he is ..."