Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tyler Pronz
A friendly, relaxed, and supportive studio environment, where everything revolves around you and your music.
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I love to listen to music that sounds natural so my style reflects that. i call my style Mid-Fi
You can write songs and or play music but you are not sure how to achieve the sound your hear on the radio? Maybe you have a mixed track that needs mastering? We offer full music production, mixing and mastering as well as audio editing at affordable rates with professional quality and fast turnaround. Let’s make the song you want!
Professional vocalist with 30 years of experience as a session rap artist, singer, and voiceover expert. No job too big or too small. Major corporate, marketing, jingle and event expertise.
Autore di testi - Arrangiamenti - Compositore - Musicista - Cantante
Dear artists, I am Cafe del Mar artist from 2008. with various releases on CDM and many other labels. I started my music production career on radio/studio in 2000. and from then I worked with many famous names in different genres and styles. I strongly believe that quality and creativity must be stimlulated in the right way to acheve best results.
am a producer, mixing & mastering engineer
Multi-Genre Music Production, Mixing and Mastering. Worked with and supported by When We Dip, Beyries, XYZ, Akbal Records, Seven Villas, my work was remixed by Hernan Cattaneo and I ghost produced for worldwide Deep House DJ's. I composed fully produced music for multiple art shows by Alejandro Figueroa (+AMOR) and Alex Cote (Idylle).
I can produce full instrumentals for you. Additionally, I can provide full vocal/songwriting work. Mixing & Mastering available upon request. I can also DJ your live event - from weddings to conventions.. to club nights & raves. I am an open-format DJ with experience in a plethora of genres. If needed, I can act as a talent buyer for you.
Recent Successes
"Ziv is a real pro! Extremely fast, yet somehow still excellent quality! I asked for a couple small revisions and he got back with a new take within a couple hours. Very pleased and would like to work together again!"
"A song for which i could not find the proper arrangement for many years, could not find the direction. Shawn took it, found the way in and made it better that i could ever imagine, i repeat myself, i Know, but such a ..."
"Once again, Elliott did a fantastic job with the piano track he made for my song. It was perfect not only technically but with much expression. He is a consummate professional and very easy to work with. I highly r..."
"Sunnie sang an up-tempo (126bpm) dance track in the genre of "praga khan / röyksopp" for me. I was looking for a strong female lead, but also one with emotion. This worked amazing, she was able to translate all those ..."
"Fantastic job as always, amazing sounding mix that improved the production and brought the song to the next level."
"Brooke was an absolute pleasure to work with. Besides being a total pro and delivering a terrific vocal, she was very attentive to detail which went a long way to bringing my song to life. If you're looking for a tr..."