Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Twentysomethings
Producer + Songwriter based out of Nashville. I’ve been producing music for 10+ years and have extensive experience across genres. You can hear my music all over hit TV shows on networks like CBS, CW, Netflix, Hulu, Peacock, Freeform, and MTV as well as with a wide array of artist releases here in Nashville and beyond. Let’s make some hits!
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We are a group of passionate sound artists who believe everyone deserves something good. We are built on experience and creative exploration, driven to make creative sound and art. We push our own boundaries, and together will translate your vision through sound.
I have written, produced and collaborated with International Producer/Artist such as Meduza, Amir Amor (Rudimental), The Vamps, Plan B, Bo Saris, Nicole Scherzinger and for syncs (Forza Horizon / Qatar Airways/ Dog Show / BBC / Soccer World Cup 2018). I appear on several performances with Madison Beer and Conor Maynard.
https://youtu.be/4p2Vcfy_7kU Example of my voice acoustically
I take your music to the next level. I am Kjartan Thorkildsen also known as Catnip Cloud, a producer myself with over 2 million streams online. I have a degree in music technology and have worked with dozens of artists. Now it is time to make your music shine.
i love psydub, EDM, videogames OST, once you hear my music you'll probably love it and you won't regret aboout the beat
I create experimental music (but ofc ambient, dnb, wave etc)
I've been a Nashville-based mixer since 2019, usually working in the indie rock, folk, and pop genres. My goal is to serve the song and the vision you have for it!
I've had songs on major radio, NBC, MTV and many more. I combine classic analog outboard gear with modern plug-ins to deliver you high-quality, radio ready mixes. I love all facets of mixing and production but consider my vocal and drum techniques top notch.
Recent Successes
"Definitely one of the best if not THE best session drummers I've used. Completed job exactly how I wanted it FIRST TAKE. Very professional and promt !!! Nice work Cristiano . Jazzy"
"Chris is awesome and knows his job pretty well. He doesn't just throw a bunch of plugins on sounds and vocals, he's a true engineer. I wasn't satisfied with another engineer and brought my song to Chris, and he made i..."
"Austins been my go-to guy for a while now and I've always been happy with the results. Always delivers and definitely someone i'm looking forward to working with again!"
"The material provided by Maddy is very inspiring, of the highest quality, and fits totally within the concept I have given her. I look forward to working with her again."
"Needed production and sample supplementation for a techno / electronic track (specifically a 4x4 Drumcode type sound) and thus I decided to hire Djeki after seeing a variety of his work on Instagram & TikTok. I was..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Daniel! He recorded some hip Rhodes piano over my track, and later I asked him to take a solo on acoustic piano and he just slayed it. Really the highest level of musicianship you can fi..."
"Working with Andres was really a privilege. Extremely professional, perfect result and fast delivery. I will definitely work with him again"
"When it comes to making music the most important things things to have in a collaborator are talent, professionalism, and integrity as a human being. Francisco has all of these qualities; he is patient and when he pla..."
"Amazing vocals and amazing guy to work with, I hope to do more with Marcus he is an absolute pleasure to work with and not to mention super talented at what he does. "