Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TV3marató
Hello, my name is Oliver and I am a music producer and audio engineer with extensive experience in the industry. I have worked on a wide range of projects, from live recordings to album productions, and have the skills and knowledge to take a recording from its initial concept all the way to a high-quality final mix.
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Unlimited Free Revisions. CREDITS: Future, Gucci Mane, Kevin Gates, Lil Mosey, Icewear Vezzo, Trouble. I want to help you gain more streams and fans! I've helped plenty of other artists do the same with better mixes, but now it's your turn to take that leap to the next level of your career!
Sound is not complement. It is content. We are Loop Reclame, a sound design agency and we look forward to help people and brands to create their identity through music!
I am a mix and mastering engineer with experience with multiple genres. My goal is to make music that competes with radio ready music. I have a unique approach to mixing and mastering, and I offer the entire package for one price. No need to go to one person for a mix and another for a master ever again.
Hi, I'm Grayson. I mix and produce primarily hip-hop and rap. I work in most popular DAWs such as Ableton, FL, and Pro Tools. I have an extensive collection of mastering, dynamics, and eq plugins as well as outboard gear that I can use to make your song sound as clear and loud as possible.
Make your sound reach a competitive and powerful level.
Working with Top Romanian Artists since 2009 | Millions of Plays | Over 400 Singles | Dozens of Albums & EPs. I'd love to hear about your project. Contact me and let's make a hit! :)
I’ve written song that have won the Guam Island Music Awards, featured on New York TV, and has hit international charts.
Spanish producer with more than 7 years making music and with more than 25,000 listeners per month in Spotify
Recent Successes
"Andrew is an amazing session vocalist. He got the demo material and delivered the full song in 36 hours, exceeding expectations. He has a wide vocal range, expression and musical intelligence to understand what to do ..."
"Nay Palm, is the truth! She is very professional, concise, meticulous and understands the techniques necessary to take your music to the next level. "
"Another high quality vocal delivered by Marimai!"
"If every topliner was like Otto there would be less lonely instrumentals out there. Otto has a gift when it comes to writing, he writes in the theme given like it's air through his lungs. He also doesn't get offended ..."
"Thanks again Bennie, You always deliver at the highest level. Can't wait to work with you again. "
"This was my first experience using Sound Better and I feel like I've hit the jackpot with Chris. Firstly he quickly turned around a first draft which was damn near perfect. He was able to hear exactly what I was tryi..."
"We used Chris to Mix and Master a track for us. He knocked it out of the park, was quick, and clearly cared about giving us a track we would enjoy. If you are wondering who to work with, it should be Chris. "
"Cole is EXTREMELY talented. The track he produced was everything I hoped for and more. He communicated every step of the way, was quick to respond, and time frame on the final production was excellent. I hope to colla..."
"I have stopped counting how many times we have had a collaboration in 2023 (8 times, 9 times ???) ... and again I can only write: perfect, Austin is a "Sound Wizard" (!!!!!)"