Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ritaro
Hello, my name is Oliver and I am a music producer and audio engineer with extensive experience in the industry. I have worked on a wide range of projects, from live recordings to album productions, and have the skills and knowledge to take a recording from its initial concept all the way to a high-quality final mix.
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More providers:
Sound Engineering, Music Production, Audio Services
7years of experienced in audio visual field and Digital Audio Workstations 5 years of experienced in Mixing and mastering music with 3rd party plugins(waves,fabfilter,softube,izotope) and analog consoles (shadow hills mastering compressor) Experienced in recording,designing and editing sound Deep knowledge of sound reinforcement,mixing and mas
Almost 40 combined years of experience and multiple Grammy nods means that Rivercrest Music delivers a product that stands toe-to-toe with any studio, anywhere.
View the song like a meticulous body of work, the spectrum like a cake, the mix as a location setting and foremost, an idea like a mission. Let's get our song working as best as we can.
Originally from Devon but now based at my studio in the London Smog. I'm an extremely versatile Mix Engineer and Producer with over 100 Million Streams on Spotify alone, working on everything from Major label to fully independent projects. Some of my recent work has been in the UK Top 40 for 8 weeks and counting.
I'm kinda just looking to expand my knowledge of mixing and mastering as I already have some familiarities with it. I think i can impress my clients and I could potentially gain some more experience to even apply it to my musical endeavors.
Over 20 years deep. Credits(To name a few) - Cee Lo Green, Method Man, M.O.P, Smif-N-Wessun, Black Moon, Styles P, Kool G Rap, Vinnie Paz, Nems, Ill Bill, Mayhem Lauren, Benny The Butcher etc
At AJMP, we provide mixing, mastering, live engineering, producing, songwriting, session playing and even composing for film/tv/podcasts. We have worked with artists such as Moving Lines, Hillside Outlaws, David Gogo, Jack Semple, Leslie Thompson, Desert Rockers, Robert Nield (and many others) in one form or another in live sound or the studio.
Recent Successes
"Krysta is my fave! She is quick, professional, and serves high quality realness. Highly recommend !!"
"Excellent engineer! I've worked with him many times and he never disappoints me."
"Aaron provided quality and prompt service. I can tell that he takes pride in his work and strives to deliver the best possible result. "
"He's a very nice person. and is very attentive to the job He has a wide variety of vocals. and all is good If there is a chance, I will definitely work with him again."
"Working with Scott is a joy and pleasure every time. If you want to work as a professional vocalist, it can only be him, not to mention awesome lyrics. I highly recommend him to everyone."
"Murphy is an awesome producer who brought his own touch to the track while taking on board all ideas and requests I sent. We worked closely together to finish the track and I'm excited to release it soon!"
"Tom heard and masters the best master for your song, he is fantastic to work with, knowing of current needs, and styles, and will make your songs sound amazing."
"Ken is literally my favorite. This is my second time working with him. One of the most down to earth humans. So patient, great listener, communicator, and creates high quality mixes. Highly recommend. "