Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TV Culture
Over 8 million total streams for my productions | Work with Atlantic Records, Bluenote Records, Astralwerks Records, Universal Music | Over 10 Years Experience | London-Based Studio
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I am a professional drummer, I have a studio and the tools needed to record drums very fast. I play many styles of music. I also have sight reading abillities so if you have scores send them to me.
Immersive Audio and Film Sound Design • Dolby Atmos • Dolby Atmos Music • Surround Formats up to 22.2 • Mixing for cinema, home and entertainment • high-end binaural processing by New Audio Technology Awards • Sonic Arts Award 2015 • Master of Music 2015 • Audience Award 2009 • First Step Award 2008
Ready to collaborate with you
A swiss army knife of musical abilities, a one stop shop for bass, guitar and production. Bass player for Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Mike Mangini, SOTO and Art of Anarchy. Produces music for TV such as ESPN, ABC and NBC. Video game soundtracks including Command & Conquer and Metal Slug franchises.
I am here to help get your band to the next level by helping with whichever step you are stuck on. Mixing, recording, mastering, programming midi, and editing. I can make home recordings sound professional or put the extra polish on a studio recording.
Mixing Engineering, Producer, Song Writer
Classically trained vocalist that specializes in sweet, sincere female vocals for indie pop.
My original music productions can be heard on Fox TV, BET+, Univision & others. Award-winning pianist with hundreds of compositions. I help composers get synch-ready, get professional sounding music.
Recent Successes
"She is an amazing producer she brought an idea I had out into reality exactly how I wanted it, Definitely would recommend to anyone looking to make a song period "
"Professional,creative,and Quick! helped my cowrite a hit"
"This guy never disappoints. Absolutely outstanding quality. You should seriously consider raising up your price, except for me please ;) "
"My third song with Josh and he is really absolutely great in EQing and bring out a nice space for each instrument, especially in complex mixes. Can only recommend."
"Literally such a chill guy! He definitely made sure that my song was 100% how I want it to sound. Super understanding on what kind of vibe I want my song to be!"
"Lynn adds something to your songs that you will always be happy to hear. It's not just the notes, but something more - authenticity, experience, vision. It's maybe a little like if you wrote a blues tune and got Howli..."
"It wad really great to work with Sam, all over the other side of the ocean. He has a very nice voice and a professional attitude. We would like to do another song with Sam!"
"Marcello is one of the best vocalists I ever worked with. You wouldn't believe his range and his versatile abilities. Super easy to work with guy, a great person and a real pro. If you want stand out heavy metal / roc..."
"Chad did an outstanding job on my project ! He delivered excellent work, perfectly capturing the vibe I was aiming for. Highly recommended—looking forward to working with him again!"