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Trap Tuba who worked with #trap
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For us, every person, every couple, every family is unique and we strive to create images that reflects your personality and elegantly tell your story and the magic in your passion. In good humor and friendliness, we propose to accompany you to your rise to stardom with modern Sounds Through.
Welcome to Analogue Sound Department Studio! I'm a mixing engineer and a musician with more than 20 years of experience. I use a great combo of analogue & digital mixing equipment to make your mix sound great. I'm open for any experiments in mixing and arrangements to make your track better. I play piano, synthesizers and guitar.
My name is Myles and I'm a music producer/recorder/mixer looking for individuals who want to take their music to the next level.
1rst place winner of the ''Odyssée Musicale du Jeu Vidéo'' orchestral composition contest. (Quebec's Indie Video Game Developpers Guild)
Hi my name is Clint B. I am a producer and audio engineer. I specialize mainly in afrobeats, dancehall, dembow, drill, & trap music. Some notable artist I have music with are Blaqbonez and Terri (Afro Artists). Whatever your music needs are, from production to mixing and mastering just know that you are in good hands.
Get your songs ready for Spotify and co.
Spare Time's cohesive team of taste makers have one goal - to make your beats slap harder and groove smoother. Check us out on sparetimecollective.com And see our mixes and masters here: soundcloud.com/sparetimeau/sets/mixed-by-alex-prenzler/s-wmnkO7UrDv0 and https://soundcloud.com/sparetimeau/sets/mastered-by-spare-time/s-6lFsipj1Rrn
Artist that will write catchy lyrics and record vocals over your productions in both English AND Spanish. Let’s collaborate!
Recent Successes
"Dan was absolutely fantastic to work with! The process was easy from start to finish. We even had an issue on our side (the band), and like a true professional, he helped us fix it. The final master sounded better ..."
"I just feel so lucky to be able to call upon Lydia to lend her incredible talents to my songs... and that she will. Lydia recorded some great vocal tracks for this Country song. Now, I can't wait to get the rest of ..."
"Great service, I sent the files and John was working on them the next day. Really happy with them, they sound so much bigger and brighter than before. "
"I'm always so excited to work with her,it's like she enters my mind every time. She knows exactly what I want. It's amazing! She delivers hit material!!!! "
"James is an absolute gentleman and a joy to work with! He is so professional and didn’t try to change the song too much for the sake of it! I am delighted and from now on he will be my go to! It is very rare that peop..."
"Always a pleasure to work with Chloé. Excellent quality of work and service."
"Absolutely fantastic. Great communication and songs sounds amazing ! Love working with Brittany. Looking forward to our next project together. "
"Another great project in the bag with Michael! Literally can't say enough good things about the guy! He's so professional and incredible to work with every time, and everything we get back from him just raises the lev..."