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Trap Tuba who worked with #trap
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Drums are my Passion
I can do a number of things in music from writing the songs to presenting the beats so hmu
Do you want a powerful voice? I'm yours!! I can write lyrics, compose and record your song in only 4 days. Send me a message to start your project
Optimum Mastering is a custom designed music post-production studio in the dockside city of Bristol. Since opening in 2004, we have established a worldwide reputation for personal service and attention to detail. Our engineers have half a century’s worth of experience turning good music into great records.
LA-based multi award-winning music production company. Let's make your musical vision a reality!
!! Try before you buy your 1st Mix !! Mix engineer and vocal producer for artists such as Headie One, Jesy Nelson, Not3s etc. Mixes have gained MILLIONS of streams on Spotify.
I'm a multi-genre singer/songwriter who is CUSTOMER focused and passionate about bringing you vision to life through collaboration.
Transform emotions into music! I am a pianist and music producer with 11 years of experience, specializing in soundtracks and custom arrangements that capture feelings. From films to musical productions, I create unique sound experiences that deeply resonate with your vision. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Over 5 Million Viewers in TikTok!
Recent Successes
"Camilo! Estoy súper feliz con mi canción. Gracias por ayudarme y tener paciencia conmigo. When I have a vision of how I want my song to sound, I find it hard for a lot of ppl to understand my vision. Camilo is very pa..."
"Tommy was super easy and great to work with! He has a killer ear and added so much to the song with creative ideas and top notch production! Highly recommend! "
"Christian did an amazing job on my record! He is a great rapper and songwriter! I recommend the hiring of his services for your assignment."
"Second time working with Andres. Quick turnaround, friendly and easy to communicate, I love how he always provides a mix review first before mastering."
"Trevor has been recording bass for my upcoming record and I couldn’t be happier with the result- he delivers the tracks always with a quick turnaround and with at least 2 different options of files (different bass lin..."
"The best choice you can make is trusting Pascal with your project. He will take the time to get everything to sound exactly how you want it and if you allow him he will go above and beyond and elevate your track to th..."
"Very easy to communicate and work with. Delivers all revisions and final tracks very quickly and listens to exactly what you are wanting. His sound quality is incredible and I would definitely recommend him for your m..."