Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TT Grace
Hi! I´m a mixing engineer who will put 100% effort to make your song sound great!
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We are a full service live production and event planning services planning company. Providing all manner of support to make your next live show unforgettable. Fully trained engineers, techs and stage crew available for both live sound reinforcement and studio recordings. Management, talent coaching, bookings and promotion services also available.
Hi! I'm Marc McClusky, I specialize in mixing, mastering, scoring, and producing. With gold and platinum records, over 20 Million streams and counting, multiple Top 5 Billboard albums, and a #1 album on iTunes, I'm here to elevate your music to the next level. Got a vision? Let’s make it real. Let’s get to work!
High Quality Music Production & Mixing
Take your mix to another level. Passion infused. Audio Engineer for Roman Street. 27 years experience. Metal - Hip Hop - Rap - Acoustic - Pop
If you’re looking for fun, out of the box productivity, pull up ! I’m just another creator just like you reading this. With the proper communication and effort, I can help anyone bring their vision to life or create one along the way. I put vibrations and energy over anything “in” any day so if that’s also how you move we’ll make a good blend.
I am a producer of five years, I use Logic Pro X.
My studio is set up for analog mixing. I have high end outboard pre-amps, compressors. I opened my commercial recording studio in 2003 but have been recording since the early 90's. I've been performing for over 30 years and have a bachelors degree in music with a concentration in voice. I am a session bassist, guitarist, pianist and singer.
Music and Sound Tracks, Mixing and Mastering
Recent Successes
"TDIII is the best virtual band member I have ever had the pleasure of working for. Thanks to Tom I am able to have perfectly recorded drums on my record. Tom's style, ability to interpret and level of professionalis..."
"I've always wanted that one producer who I would have go on my musical journey with me and now I've found him in Daniel! "
"Second project with Brent; he's amazing. Great attention to detail, easy to communicate with. Highly recommended!"
"This is the third song I've trusted Steve to mix. If he wasn't awesome, I wouldn't be back a third time."
"Gideon is a Talented and Professional drummer! Quick turn around and very eager to work with you by serving the song. I'm definitely going to be working with him more in the future!"
"Not enough words to express my thanks’ gratitude and sheer wonder in this total legend. So I’ll just state the obvious. Unbelievable!"
"nice solo !"
"Theia is amazing! Always a pleasure! :-) "
"I have used quite a few mixers but none can come close to Vocxls. I was ready to give up caused I’ve spent so much money and could not get what I was looking for. Your is flawless…. You’ve put a smile on my face an..."