Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Trey lawson
''WHoo’’ is an American global music producer from Atlanta Ga, He works with local artists as well as main stream artists. His creativity derives from a small city in Montgomery AL, where WHoo !!! went to school at. He was taught to adapt to his environment so that what he did from the making of Blow the Movie to now being the most talked about….
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Recording, Mixing and Mastering / Audio Engineer / Singer / Songwriter / Music Composer / Guitarist.
Making music is in thy blood.
As an artist, you rely on facilitators like Producers and Mixing Engineers to bring your projects to life. There are so many talented facilitators out there - how do you find the right one for you? Hit Contact and send me a note about your project and we can make a game plan! In the mean time, check out my interview for a taste of what I am about.
Artist, Music producer
Beat making and lyrical initiator of getting in touch with heart energy and deep emotions!
+10 years of experience writing songs for myself and other artists
I will sing my soul out for you.
Atmos Music mixing for major artists in Denmark - AQUA, Lukas Graham, Maximillian, Suspekt, Rune Rask and Jada.
Recent Successes
"Aubrey is such a nice producer to work with! She takes directions really well and understands your vision yet makes it original. It has been amazing working with her."
"I have worked with Aubrey on more then one production and have been completely satisfied with her ability to get the job done . She holds my highest recommendation to all looking for an outstanding job done. And this ..."
"Best vocal I've worked with on Soundbetter!!"
"I’ve been working with for almost a year now and he always delivers quality masters in a timely manner, his feedback on improving the mix before mastering is also always on point! "
"Thank you for the great job and helping my track come to life. Highly recommend and looking forward to working on more in the future!"
"It was great working with Kevin! He delivered all the tracks I needed, he was very patient with the track and put his heart into it. I will definitely work with him again on one of my other tracks! Thank you again Kev..."
"Nico provided a one-hour consultation based on some songs I shared with him. he provided plenty of actionable, constructive criticism. Greatly appreciated!"
"Ryan's Horn parts spiced my Songs up by a lot! Very quick turnaround time and super easy going when it comes to changes, suggestions and feedback. The next time I need horns I already know who to work with! I only can..."