Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with NitroSpeed
I can write, assist, give feedback and features. Let's get this shit.
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Hello! My name is Austin Hull. I am a 21 year old full time producer, songwriter, and mixing and mastering engineer. I have had experience at professional studios but I stepped away from those in order to start my own company. Now I am the sole owner and operator of Austin Hull Audio and Visual. I have had label placements with Universal.
Triple Multi-Platinum Record Producer and Multi-Instrumentalist/Programmer/Mixer. (3xPlatinum/Gold Hits with NBN/OPP/Hip Hop Hooray, Zhane) as well as legends like Hall & Oates, MJ, Stacy Wilde, and Taylor Dayne. I've composed the Theme Songs and underscore for 100s of tv shows, ads, and promos.
Audio Engineer, Musician, Musicologist. Personal and passionate with my craft, delighted to work with independent artists to achieve the sound you're looking for.
Unspeakable Records is an artist-owned production company specializing in recording engineering, production, mixing/mastering, sync licensing, and artist development. Our mission is to support forward-thinking musicians of all genres using cutting-edge music technology and ethical business practices that empower our clients.
singer, vocalist, vocal coach and producer. I can record professional lead or back vocals and also compose if you need. jazz, rock, pop. all kind of music are welcome
Sound design / Sound engineering / Mixing and Mastering / Audioediting / Vocal Tuning and EQualization / Soundtrack for games /
With over a decade of experience in the EDM industry, Kenneth Westbroek has carved out a distinctive niche as a mixing engineer known for creating vibrant, dynamic mixes that captivate listeners.
Recent Successes
"Look no further - you have found your singer here. Simms is fantastic!!"
"Working with Marco from Esof Records was a great experience and I'm glad I invested the time & money on his engineering expertise. He was great with making any revisions I requested and performed the job in a timely m..."
"Miguel is great very very professional and very prompt in his time and response time as well I love working with him for his great vocals he is awesome and I plan on using his talents again in the future sincerely Mic..."
"An experienced and professional engineer I’ve ever met in my life.. So passionate and he literally understands every single note I’ve asked him to revise and even improved it in a very productive way! Will be definite..."
"Great sound, setup tasty sax lines. Def should have more people ordering from him! "
"Second time working with Marco, and definitely not the last! Awesome tips on my productions. Thank you!"
"ZIV IS A musical BEAST! Flat out, end of story, thanks for coming! Ziv seriously left me speechless, I still have goosebumps from what I just experienced Words seriously don’t do it justice. For anime fans Goku ..."