Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Trap Music
Music Producer Creds .Ray J, Lil Zane, Cali Swag, New Boyz, FatBoy SSE, Super Sako, Tohi, Eyad Tannos Recognized on BET, Starz, Fox, OWN TV, UFC, 50 Cent (BMF) Gflow Music isn’t a stranger to International media platforms. Proud brand collaborations include Fenty Beauty, viral line owned by the iconic Rihanna.
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Recording studio.
Beat-maker, songwriter, album reviewer and overall Rap enthusiast, currently studying Arts & Media @ the RUG!
Multiplatinum songwriter and producer. Especially focused on pop music.
Cozy Project Studio Powered by A One Man Band with 20 years of Experience.. Your Going to LOVE the way it sounds..!
Played with Joni Mitchell, They Might Be Giants, Rufus Wainwright, Sara Mclachlan Iggy Pop,A Fine Frenzy,Movies and TV themes like "the office"
Alex Lesage is an electronic musician from Brussels who primarily works with analog equipment to create a diverse range of experimental dance tracks.
Has over 2.1b plays on Tiktok for a corporate campaign song.
Just a man with a beard, doing what I do. I make and play Skateboard Lapsteels. Not what you're expecting.
Recent Successes
"Thanks for the great Job and communication."
"Jake recently mixed and mastered my first official single! It's titled "Born to Win" and will be released in a few weeks. The quality of Jake's work is phenomenal. I am exceedingly pleased and grateful for the golden ..."
"Tony does not disappoint! What a smooth voice and creative mind!! Really enjoy working with you Tony. Look forward to the next project with you."
"Amazing result, highly recommended"
"Matt is a pleasure to work with! Great feel, great fills - great tracks! "
"Britney is the sweetest artist I've ever worked with. She delivers on time and her effort is much more than her price."
"Very professional and patient. He made my track SLAPPPP"
"Shelley provided vocals for an emotional ballad. A very strong performance. Extremely professional! Best to work with!"
"In a word, brilliant! Can't wait to send this to my dude to see if he can place it"
"This is my third time working with Kevin and it was awesome as always. Kevin is a very gifted producer as he was able to turn any song into a masterpiece, very impressive! I needed some minor revisions here and there ..."
"Nate always has great instinct on songs and is fun to work with. Highly recommend! "