Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tracielynn
I am a session guitarist, mix engineer and music producer based in Nashville, Tennessee. I have over a decade of professional experience and would love to help bring your creative vision to life!
Professional mix engineer based in Nashville, Tennessee.
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More providers:
We are a recording studio based in Kent, UK. Offering audio services including Recording, Mixing, Mastering, Live sound and high quality custom built Sound Systems.
Anthony Vezza is a music producer based in New Jersey.
I have been an Industry Professional for over 20 years. Singer and Arranger who has toured and sung for top artists in the industry. I'm based in Los Angeles, CA.
I create backing tracks, acoustic singer/songwriter,band,orchestral,most genres, but specializing in Irish music,folk,country,church,wedding,and funeral music.
Escritor, soñador, creativo y espiritual. Con mis canciones pretendo ayudar a las personas a conectar con su esencia. Creative and spiritual writer and dreamer. With my lyrics and songs i´ll help people to conect with their heart.
If you want to have specific style in your HipHop, DrumnBass, or other groove song trust me and let me be myself on track.
8 years of experience in music production. My focus here is deliver High-Quality product with a clean mix and a loud Master.
My name is Matias, I am a music producer from the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.I am a mixing engineer, master and composer.
Recent Successes
"wonderful mixing/ mastering skills! So talented!"
"Perfect and Professional adapts to your projects needs perfectly!!I can recommend her 100% "
"Sharon was great to work with. She took my general description and turned it into the music I needed. She gave me three in-process samples along the way, which gave me the opportunity to provide feedback and fine-tune..."
"I am so happy to have found Elliot. After his mastering my songs sound better than I could have ever imagined. I will continue to work with him as songs are mixed / completed. Excellent communicator as well."
"Super timely, professional and brings in an invaluable addition to the tracks! Thank you!"
"Working with Pete was an absolute pleasure and great communication! He is extraordinary in his craft and knows exactly what the song needs to make it the best it could possibly be. I cannot recommend him enough and I ..."
"In over 25 years this is the first time a first mix sat me back in my chair and just made me grin. The first time I have heard what I've been searching for in every mix and on every track for most of my career. This m..."