Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tori Jeffery
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Hi, my name is Mike Wayne the owner of Mike Wayne Productions. I have been doing music for almost 20 years now, starting with sax, to guitar then becoming a hiphop artist which got me to tour most of the USA with such artist like Kayne West, Ne-Yo, n many more. After the stage I began to produce n engineer my own records n others like Jarren Benton
I'm a singer, songwriter and music producer with a lot of experience with R&B, Brazilian Music, Reggaeton and Pop. I can edit and tune your vocals, record vocals, produce your song or make a beat based on your references.
We are a new studio specializing in artist development, recording, mixing, mastering, photo, video, etc. One stop shop.
Hkon is a songwriter, music producer out here to help artists and producers get the right record for themselves. I have written for so many artist within Nigeria and outside like MX, Morell, Classiq and more. Hit me up!
Professional studio recording & mix engineer for the past 20 years. Artists I've worked for and done sessions with incl Michael Jackson, Sheryl Crow, Will.i.am, Akon, RedOne, Cam Cole, Neil Cowley ++ I am the in-house mix & recording engineer at 2Seas Studio - a beautiful sounding one of a kind mix & production facility (72 Ch SSL Duality Console)
professional and fast.
I can bring the attitude to your song with a guitar solo, melody line, or rhythm track. From Zakk Wylde to Slash, and Jason Hook to Adrian Smith, let's work together to make your music rock.
Producer with +13 years of experience. Studied music production, piano and trumpet and developed his knowledge with some personal and friends projects. Since 2021 is giving his musical services to everyone.
Recent Successes
"Once again Mark delivered high quality work with a quick turn around. Super nice guy and a total professional. I thoroughly enjoy working with Mark and can't wait for the next project! Thanks for everything Mark! "
"This is the 2nd time Lydia recorded backing vocals and piano for a song of mine. She is fantastic! She understands projects very easily and is able to add a lot of creativity and magic of her own, taking my music to a..."
"Such a talented artist! Can't wait to work with her again. And what a voice she has too! I'm very happy with how my song turned out. Highly recommend. "
"So pleased with the outcome! Justin wrote and recorded a hook on a track for me. I will defo be collaborating with him in the future!!"
"Killian is an unbelievable producer having this been my first time producing anything I am so so happy with my first song completed and would love to work on more with him in the future "
"Another great project done with Austin, amazing engineer that keeps working till it sounds perfect! Highly recommend!"
"Track master came out very good. Thanks!"
"Alice was amazing, great musician and great sound. She understood perfectly what I needed for my project, no need for revisions. Highly recommended!"