Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Topp Dogg
My name is Mark Nathanson and I am a Southern California Producer, Audio Engineer and Live Events Specialist.
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Medline is a natural producer. He make his place on several labels like Melting Pot Music, Names You Can Trust, Blunted Astronaut and Stereophonk.
The name is paradigm305 and I record sonic quality at House of Dreams recording studio.
I will record professional level content that will take your music to the next level. I will work with you to express your ideas for your music. I will make sure to create/record unique and innovative guitar and bass lines that will contribute to the overall sound of your song.
Music Producer, Mixing/Mastering Engineer, Multi-Instrumentalist. (Skinnydip Records, The Music Bed & More). Pop, Hip-hop, Trap, EDM, Indie-Rock.
Sound editor for major tv networks (ABC, USA, AMC, VH1, HBO, Netflix etc).
I am a mixing engineer and music producer, and I love to execute the artists vision within their music.
Recent Successes
"2. Job with Davey and as good as great as the first one. Thanks for the beautiful tracks!"
"Third time is definitely a charm. Another one out the park by Ms. Kamari. This one I did not need a full vocal arrangement. She added exactly what I needed and provided me with variations to choose from. Nothing beats..."
"Killllllllllller Drums!!!!!!!!"
"Jon had been my fav steel player for some time. It was simply an amazing experience to have him play on my songs. Despite being a virtuoso, he is down to earth, cool, and cares about what you’re looking for in a st..."
"Found Eileen a year ago here on Soundbetter, and after listening to her demos i knew straight away i had to do a track with her sometime. Also when i noticed she have worked with Avicii, and alot of talented producer ..."
"I had very good time, very good communication and a lot of pleasure to work with T.Row! Great artist and great rapper! Thanks a lot T.Row "
"Fran amazes me everytime I love this work more than words can say! He brings stories to life, he deserves so much, brilliantly talented! Working with him is inspiring 🤍"