Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tommy Chung
Experienced jazzrock roots reggae pop Californian lead rhythm guitarist available for studio trackings tours gigs or to join or work with band and or artist. Working recording with the founders creators of rock steady and reggae music.
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A high quality tracks for low budget prices. If you want something new, lets work.
Placements on Netflix, BBC, SKY, Amazon Prime. Multi instrumentalist, producer specializing in Indie.
We have been at the forefront of the Latin Urban scene coming out of Mexico. Placements include major motion films, Netflix series and Xbox games. Millions of streams on our content across several Latin genres.
From reading the most difficult scores to improvising in absolutely any styles (from jazz to hip hop, classical, reggae, rock, latin, asian, ethnic) let's work together to make your song reach another level.
Your audio needs proper treatment and I'm the doctor you're looking for. Mixing gives shape to your audio and mastering is the icing on it. So don't be careless with the two. Give me a chance to prove my skills and abilities, Won't disappoint you.
Creative and attentive audio engineer here to help give your productions that extra special touch - be it music, voiceovers or podcasts. If it's sound, I'm all ears.
Guitarist for 10+ years, i'd be happy to contribute to your artistic projects.
What's Up!! Looking for tracked keys or a fully produced instrumental? I am a professional musician who has also started producing over the last few years. I've done everything from playing in the pit at live shows, to playing in churches. I love most genres, so my style is very versatile.
Recent Successes
"There is a lot that goes into making an excellent session drummer, superb musical and technical chops, excellent communication skills, the ability to reinterpret another's music and elevate a piece of music without pu..."
"Dan is the best!!!! This is my second time working with him and he did it again. Crushed! Great guy!"
"Great communication and speedy work. Thanks a lot!!"
"Brittany was great fun working with. Especially her own ideas, which she brought into the project and which ultimately made it perfect, were unique. The completed project will not be the last I worked with Brittany on..."
"Andres' mastering is top notch. The single song he did for me recently came back sounding wide-open and 'airy' on top, without any harshness, while feeling nice and 'warm' from the bottom on up, as well. It's really..."
"Yaevin is a vocal goddess! Beautiful leads and stunning harmonies round out a stellar performance! Thank you so much Yaevin!"
"Eileen turned in another stellar performance. She never fails to blow me away. You can't go wrong with her performance or songwriting capabilities."
"A very nice and efficient musician to work with. Quick response to what I asked for and I received good sounding quality files already the next day."