Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tigerbelly Podcast
Passionate & friendly composer/producer whose music has appeared on Netflix, Hulu, Disney +, ABC, BBC and beyond. Versatile and melody-obsessed, I love bringing creative visions to musical life. A multi-instrumentalist from an early age, I've devoted my life to the pursuit of writing/arranging/mixing & more; I so look forward to working together.
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Latin Grammy Winner Producer. Let’s make some music together.
Versed in jazz, r&b and improv/electronic/progressive styles, I work in many genres and delivery formats. I've studied the masters of studio bass from the 70s onward, and I can provide everything from the "Steely Dan" bass sound to avant approaches. I'm a quick study, good reader and can develop unique bass lines for your project.
Fresh & Modern
I produce complete tracks. I also assist singer/songwriters in recording/arranging, etc. their songs to make them as great as possible. I work in a small home studio location, yet very well equipped with software and instruments.
A partnership that will win for our future.
Chill-Hop / Lo-fi Producer just finished from Point Blank Music School in search of Artist to collaborate.
Versatile professional drummer/clinician with 25+ years experience, Zildjian Artist. I'm passionate about my craft and always excited to work with musicians of all genres, I'm easy going, team player and travel ready.
Recent Successes
"Chris has a beautiful name. A beautiful voice and a beautiful ear. I am pleased to have worked with her on this project and the very near future projects."
"If our song was a baseball, Marc was Babe Ruth and completely smashed it out of the park! Wow, I always know that whatever Marc sends back to me will be MUCH better than what I sent him. I highly recommend using Marc ..."
"It was a pleasure working with him. I definitely recommend working with him."
"Danielle is a natural at toplining! Stellar results! Much appreciated!! :)"
"very fast on revisions, and he takes his time on mixing and listening to my notes. thank you so much "
"great as always!"
"Many thanks JP. 3 excellent PS tracks completed, it was super easy, quick response and professional to work with JP, great results "
"Coen is amazing! He was professional, timely, his work is epic and quality. If you are looking for viola or a string arrangement - work with Coen! "