Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tiger Goods
Sound like a pro! Ask me for references ;) I've been an Audio Engineer for 12 years and have been blessed to work at Blacklite Productions in Cincinnati for 4 years. I also am a cowriter, producer and drummer for YUNG MO$H.
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I deliver hits.
World-class, radio-ready lyrics or production. I'm a songwriter-producer with a penchant for compelling, authentic lyrics and productions that stand out from the crowd. Described as ‘a name to watch’ (Dusty Organ, Toronto), an ‘Irish sonic wiz’ (Grotesqualizer, New York).
Industry approved mixing and master! Industry approved production & beats! Let’s us take your music to the next level!
Producer of La Siembra, Andre Farra, The Cit, Andrea Román and more. Worked with top producers as Mauro de Tomasso (Lali Esposito, Nicki Nicole, Trueno). Love to mix latin music elements with beats and urban music. Also a profesional pianist in love with jazz and all that.
Pop rock, punk and Trap produccer.
With over 15 years of experience, Kempa is an expert in music production for EDM, Pop, Hip Hop, and Bass Music. He specializes in transforming musical visions into captivating, fully-fledged tracks by finishing your ideas and providing professional mixing and mastering.
Lisha is a versatile Dutch-Surinamese artist, songwriter, composer, and producer, signed with Universal Music Publishing.
Recent Successes
"Absolute professional. His expertise not only playing the drums but of the recording process is amazing. I gave him a simple outline for the track and he took it and made it something special. Looking forward to worki..."
"Working with Benny was a great journey! He is extremely professional, and very detail oriented. He elevated my song to a different level. I am very happy with the result.I cannot wait to work with him on my next track..."
"Glenn is a great drummer. He did another song for me (already 5th). He feels the mood of the song and embodies his drive in it."
"We were incredibly impressed by the masters Tim delivered! He took the time to understand what we wanted and was able to make the record sound exactly as we imagined. He is also incredibly knowledgeable and very kind ..."
"High quality work & quick turnaround as always. Thanks Alex."
"Michael is a powerhouse vocalist! While his demo shows a lot of great Metal singing, he’s also a fantastic pop vocalist as well. He can dial in as much grit and rasp as needed. His voice brought a commanding power and..."
"Amazing work!!! Highly recommended "
"I’m very happy to have worked with Calvin ! Everybody who listened to the remix on which he sings, told me : “Wow ! What a great voice !!” He made the track sound very modern !"