Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Thru the Roof
I enjoy the mixing process, and finding the heart of a song. There is no end to where it can go, but there is a time to stop and let it be what it is.
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If there's a way then I can make it happen. Easy going and straight forward.
Enterasource is your source for new, used & refurbished enterprise hardware.
MusicProduction Remake of Soundtrack Piano Session Musicians
Worship focused mix-engineering delivering competitive sound
Professional Singer/Songwriter based in Berlin. I completed my bachelor's degree in popular music at the SRH Berlin School of Polular Arts. I've played in several bands and other projects and I'm currently the lead singer and songwriter in my band.
Music producer/Songwriter. I would love to help you with your track, contact me for more details. I can also work if you are on a budged.
Producer, mix engineer, and multi-instrumentalist with years of experience in each field. I provide high quality services and specialize in a variety of different genres including pop, hip hop, CCM, EDM, and more! I strive for you to be completely satisfied with the results I provide.
Recent Successes
"Matt is amazing!!!! He knows just what the song needs!!!!! His vocals are on point. I've used him a couple times for vocals, and I will keep going back. He goes out of his way to get you what you need. Thanks again Ma..."
"I was very picky about how I wanted this Master to sound but Adam was very patient, gracious, and professional when dealing with me. He ultimately delivered a final master that Im very pleased with and he is worth ev..."
"Would definitely recommend Gosteffects to anyone looking for help with mixing and mastering in the Dance genre. Very smooth process and the communication was on point. Appreciated the help, feedback and even the bit o..."
"Chuck did some wonderful and magical drums on a track the means a lot to me. He made the drums sing, groovy, flowing, dirty...he can do any color you like. Such a joy to work with Chuck."
"Justin is a really cool fella. I recorded my song with him—it was my first time in a real studio—and he showed great patience. He follows through with his word which is REALLY important to me. It was a positive experi..."
"Johnny delivered a high quality guitar production for me and I was really impressed how it turned out. It was exactly what I wanted !! I am for sure gonna work with him again in the future :) "