Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with those who speak to me trailer KinoCheck
- Music Producer - (Film)Composer - Multiinstrumentalist - DJ - based in Berlin -
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Hello, my name is Moritz Gaudlitz and I am a movie composer.
Grammy Award nominated and winning Engineer
I'm the son of a Luthier and a Composer from Wichita, KS. Need a composer who will craft a piece of music to fit your vision, then produce it for you using only instruments handcrafted by himself and his father in their home workshop? I'm your man.
Professional jazz singer and put out an EP and two singles on Spotify with my r&b band "fake tapes". Check it out!
I will mix your project, accurately creating a captivating soundscape for your music.
I will add real saxophone solo parts to your song or beat. I'm a professional musician/producer with over 18 years of experience playing saxophone. I also have a degree in audio engineering. If you need a quality saxophone solo & parts for your song done, I can help you. I have worked with hip hop artists, salsa bands, ska bands, r&b artists, etc.
Multi-instrumentalist/ recording-mixing engineer based in London,Uk. I like to collaborate with artists from different musical backgrounds to help bring their vision to life: by playing as session musician, offering production and arrangement advice, and by offering remote mixing and on location recording.
Music is all that's will be left after me
Recent Successes
"Once again working with Zandre provided me exactly what I needed. My project is coming together with professional quality because Zandre knows what he's doing and has some made skills. USE HIM!!"
"Wow - Tony was amazing and really easy to work with! He was quick, the tracks are well recorded and his voice is simply amazing! Thanks Tony for your work!"
"Omar is a fantastic bass player who is really able to elevate any track you give him. His ear for music and bass lines is unparalleled. Turns out he's a great producer too! He helped me hear a few things that really ..."
"Great mix and master, thank you Tyree for all the tweaks to mix!"
"Fab service from Songberd ... fast and right on point and really lived the song which makes such a difference when demoing songs ... will definitely work with her again! ... Freddie / musicsync4u"
"Her voice is smooth, also silky and wonderful. The quality of her lyrics the melody line is also wonderful and I would say she is full of talent and a wonderful artist. She is the true artist who makes me feel like ha..."
"Always a pleasure to work with E11 studios Thank you"
"Martin is an absolute genius! Communication was great and the final product really captured the feel I was looking for! "
"Another great experience! Will continue feeding my tracks this way. No complaints. Recommended for a unique but professional sound! "