Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Thomas holloway scholarship
I am an academically trained composer and Doctor of Music (ALCM, MMUS, PhD University of London) who specializes in orchestration and orchestral mockup. I can deliver the final audio product edited, mixed and mastered according to client's needs and demands, of any number, genre, or combination of instruments (solo, orchestral, band, choir)
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Hi! I'm a Session Vocalist, Topline Writer, Songwriter, and Composer. I will deliver professional-grade vocals, and/or songwriting in any genre.
Songwriter & producer. LA/Nashville.
In-house TDE engineer since 2016
More than a music producer, I aim to be the vessel that gets you from where you are to where you want to be, Whether or not you know where that is yet. If you do know where you want to go you can trust in my industry trained and degree-hardened experience to take get you there.
I'm a two-time award-winning Vocalist/ Topline writer with a versatile voice and my own set-up to write and record vocals easily & to a high standard. My music has featured on Radio 1, 1Xtra, Kiss FM, BBC6Music and in commercials. I specialise in drum and bass but my voice lends itself to other styles too.
Shoegaze and Psych specialised producer and sound engineer with 6 years of background studies in the UK and Italy.
I am a singer song writer producer and a mixing engineer.
Chosen for Eurovision 2021/ Pride official song
Recent Successes
"Dan is an amazing talent and a pleasure to work with. He's particularly skilled in Pop and RnB. I'm getting ready to do another project with him right away."
"Mike does stellar work and he doesn't quit until it's perfect!! Amazing."
"Andres was professional and helpful from start to finish. The result sounded great, he managed to get out a load more level without losing range. He brought out breathy quality and gave space to the vocal whilst tight..."
"Patient and very open to changes. Best man for any job. Im definitely using him for my next projects. If you want a DOPE mix try Corey. "
"This is my second experience with Hill: he’s a great engineer and a great arranger, plus he’s a very helpful and patient person, interested in a deep communication with the musician and a deep understanding of the son..."
"Mike was fantastic, he put a lot of hard work and commitment into my project, and the results were fantastic. Provided me with a great horn section for my song. Would definetly Recommend! "
"Great collab with Austin! One of many! Been super Pleased every time! Very fast and patient!"
"Filip is such a good masteringengineer. I would recommend also to do stemmastering with him. Saved me a lot of time and he always knew what i wanted. recommended!! :-)"