Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Theuz
Hi I'm Martron! I'm a versatile producer/songwriter with over 11 years of experience. I've had releases on labels like Dim Mak and Magic Magic, songs covered by blogs such as Dancing Astronaut and YourEDM plus radio support from Dash Radio, SiriusXM and iHeartRadio. I love music more than anything and would love to work with you on your project!
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I like chess
Worked and produced with many artists with different musical styles all over the world.
Hit me up for pop vocals and top liner jobs in all genres!
With over 15 years in the recording and mixing industry, I can help you arrange, track, mix and you master your record all for a budget. I have a home studio or o can come to you and track your parts and send you an amazing final mix from home. Balling on a budget.
If you're looking for not just a beat-maker, but a producer to work along side with you to make some of your greatest music yet, look no further. Having worked with artists in the European scene, Toronto, from New York to Texas and to California, my skill-set is diverse and always pushes boundaries.
At Havoc Studio we love metal and we put all our effort and dedication into reaching that brutal sound you are looking for.
Can give the satisfaction from your track like the way you give it... (lyricist, rapper, hip hop music producer, mixing engineer)
I’m strong minded and believe in my own sound and opinion, open to ideas!
Recent Successes
"They just keep coming. My brother strikes again and again and again. Thanks to Mark and his highly talented son as well ! "
"Found a gem! This man has soul and knows how to deliver it appropriately according to the track"
"Matt has been a superb and accommodating collaborator, delivering fine, stylistically appropriate tracks plus harmony tracks of his own initiative, all on a timely basis. I hope to work with him again soon, and wish ..."
"Love working with you Shangonator!!!!!!! Fire work!"
"Andres was absolutely amazing. He gave me such great feedback on the mix before I even bought. Can't wait to come back with some more music."
"Alex is a gun, so good at what he does!!!"
"Another hit song thank you Rudiger you broughten So much life to my songs thank you again my friend this song really kick some ass it’s got a lot of gasoline"
"Great job on a few small edits needed to some tracks. "