Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The White Pines
I will make your rock mix hit hard. I have years of experience in both live and studio settings. I will deliver a professional mix to wow you listeners.
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I will make your music sound radio-ready. Please, check out my website: http://re-sound.info
Hello all! My name is Javaughn and I'm a recording engineer & a music fixer.
Hey there, I am able to produce, mix and master your music for an affordable price in a short amount of time.
Clear, pristine, and very affordable audio mastering with over 15 years of experience. I use a combination of several different softwares and plugins in order to achieve a great quality master that translates well on all sound systems. I would love the opportunity to show you what I can do with your music today!
I Listen to you, then I`ll take your music through the sound you've imagined.
I specialise in EDM | House | Techno | Tech House | Deep House | Trance | Progressive House production. Mixing & Mastering, songwriting and vocal recording and production. I am currently based in Medellín, Colombia, with over 8 years experience in the Studio and Music Industry.
I will be you're Mixing Engineer and Music Producer for Pop/Electronic music.
Do you believe in Magic?
Recent Successes
"Yoed is an amazing cellist, honestly one of the best I've worked with. He's very easy to work with and very accommodating to your needs/schedule. I highly recommend contacting him!! "
"Really good work and super easy to work with. I’ll have cork master more of my songs in the future."
"After doing several songs with Chris of various styles Ive concluded there is no other bassist out there I would rather use "
"MusicbyNowhere just created/arranged a song for me. It is amazing and represents exceptional musical skill and ingenuity. Carlo is very communicative, responsive, flexible, and easy to work with. I hope to work with h..."
"Excelent work as always"
"I am extremely satisfied with and confident in the quality of my songs thanks to Aaron's excellent work in mastering my music! He is friendly, helpful, punctual and responsive and went above and beyond to help me get ..."
"Excelente el trabajo, realizado en tiempo y forma!"
"Fili did an amazing job mastering my song not only technically but with great attention to the emotion of the music. When I listened to the first version he sent me I knew right away he got it. He was also very easy t..."
"We had the pleasure of working with Sara on a track we were working on. She made the best work out of it and the result is absolutely amazing, har voice fits in a perfect way! Super clear and precise on working date..."