Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Way we Worshop Volume1
I have been featured on several radio platforms regional and international such as: C-Joy Network with Minister, Donnie Savage, WENO, DAF Gospel Radio, with Pastor Darin Freeman. I have been up for several nominations and won River Word Award for New Female Artist of the Year!
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Hello! I'm here to make your music sound great, with natural and organic results.
I'm a Pop Producer/Mixing Engineer with a studio in Girona. I specialize in producing full radio-ready modern pop and dance tracks. I will work to get the sound YOU want for your project.
Electric bass mercenary, creative synther and eventually singer-guitar player
We are a platform that makes music production easier and cheaper!
Let's build a song together
I'm a one stop shop for vocal production! I arrange, produce, sing, comp, tune and deliver. Writing collaborations welcome! English and Italian. Timeless parts to serve your songs. All genres. A huge fan of classic rock, pop, gospel, and soul.
Do you need assistance with your song? Albums? Single? I can do heavy metal, Jazz, instrumentals, bass house trap, also remixing hot songs! If you have an idea but need assistance that’s what I do! Music is my dream, so maybe I can help you achieve yours!
I am a singer song writer but not a professional one but I am passionate and I love what I am doing.
Recent Successes
"Richard is one of the most talentued sound designer and musician in the world, nothing else. Work with him is a real pleasure : he is a very kind man and a serious professionnal : just go and work with him !"
"Aubrey is a complete pro and did a fantastic job.She was so easy to work with.I sent her a song and asked her to make a current sounding pop song from what I sent her.She had a great vision for the tune and worked ver..."
"Another job well done by Alex - I had him edit the bass and drums for a 6 minute prog rock/metal tune and he did a great job...and I'm a picky and prickly bastard with high standards!"
"cody is a super talented dude.he never rushed me and was very attentive to my notes and suggestions. respectful to the artists vision and knowledgeable about production, multi talented. I recommend him for sure."
"Brendan absolutely nailed the alt rock sound on the first mix version. It sounded exactly how I was hoping it would turn out. Communication was clear and fast. I'll definitely be a repeat customer. "
"Another fantastic experience with Robert and another song rescue in the finest sense! Robert's knowledge and experience are second to none and the reason I feel I have safety net to catch my songs when they go astray...."
"Mara was very professional and easy to work with. She followed direction well and was eager to make sure to vocalize what was in my head. When I wanted to try something different than what I had originally asked for..."