Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Wavys
490k Subscribers on the YouTube channel I do all the Production, Writing, and Singing for myself. I love pop music and I'm a one-stop shop for any work involving writing, producing or vocals. I work out of my own studio in Los Angeles.
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Music Producer, Mix and Mastering Engineer, and musician with lots of big name credits. Follow me on twitter @iamthiagopinto
Based in London, UK with a BA in Audio Production Sound Engineering, a certificate in Ableton Live and a MA in Commercial Music Production. 20 years + experience in music
Hi. I'm Anton Rzheutsky
My heart writes the words but my soul creates the music.
Producer and songwriter from Toronto
Professionally trained singer with experience in Folk, Punk, Pop, and a capella. Experienced in mixing and mastering. Current projects include pop-punk band Second to All (Vocals/guitar/producer), Vocal Jazz group Voce Lux (baritone/engineer), and solo folk/pop project.
Hi! I'm a record/mix engineer and music producer focused on Chillhop and Electronic music. As a recording engineer, I have worked in binaural recordings for Chesky Records with artists like Macy Gray, Cassey Abrams, John McEuen, and others. Need music mixed, audio, editing or sound design on your next project?
Recording, editing and mixing bangers.
Recent Successes
"My fourth consecutive project with a genius in sound. I made a typo on the last review cause he always 5 star in my book. Thanks again Phil!"
"Not too many words to say. It was an absolute joy working with Greg. Spoke with him on the phone so it made it more personalized for me and you actually got a feel for what work vine you were going to get from chat..."
"Jes is a true pro. She was positive, made great suggestions, and provided just what I wanted - a great vocal track with harmonies and a piano track and was patient enough to take on board some changes to the song I ma..."
"François Is very professional and easy to work with .he is very fast and gets your song completed with great quality. I will definitely be using his service again."
"I am a repeat customer for many times, by conviction. You don't get such a professional sound at such a fair price anywhere else. Austin really knows what he is doing and has many secret ingredients on his shelf that ..."
"Working with James as a mastering engineer has been an absolute pleasure. He is highly professional, consistently meeting deadlines and delivering top-quality work. His attention to detail and dedication to his craft ..."
"It's truly thrilling to be able to work with someone so talented and experienced. Clive always comes up with something that takes a track to the next level. "
"Krysta is a top-notch, extraordinarily talented songwriter, and vocalist. I was lucky to be able to work with her on our second project, and I can't wait to work with her again. Her melodies are beautiful, infectiou..."