Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Wavy Kid
As a versatile guitarist, I have worked with a variety of artists around the world! Let's make some musical history together!
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My name is Juan Freidenberger, I'm 22 years old, and I'm a Mixing Engineer and a Singer from Córdoba, Argentina.
It's really excited to produce great music and to retain its original vibe in the "file." So the same spirit of the songs can be expressed to more people. Hope to help make what you recorded sound better when everything it's mixed together.
JENKIL can provide, type beats, ghost productions, mix and mastering. Send a message for more details.
Remote Recordings
Art Director specializing in Design & Illustration
I am a singer/ songwriter with a very broad vocal range. I can do everything from old style soul to punk rock. I enjoy writing my own music and also singing for other creators.
Producing music as ‘antinode’. Multiple placements on editorial playlists and collaborations with several artists in different genre’s. Always willing to try my hand at something new.
Versatile Music Producer, Beatmaker and Engineer graduated in Brazillian Institute of Audio and Technology - IA&T and guitarist with 10+ years of experience. Proficiency creating Beats/Instrumental tracks within a wide variety of genres, including Rap/Boombap, Lo-fi, Trap, Pop, Afrobeat, EDM, House, etc; as well as mixing and vocal production.
Recent Successes
"Amazing mix engineer. Sent him the session and the very first return was almost perfect and he was extremely quick and accurate to make the revisions that I asked for on the first try. The rhythm section couldn't hav..."
"Very pleased with Anna's piano parts she developed and her playing and tone are rock solid. Her intuition for what she should play was dead-on with what the song needed. We are already asking her to do more work for us."
"First time I asked for a track to be professionally mixed. I was very curious to hear the difference relative to my skills and the result exceeded my expectations. The individual instruments came alive and the overall..."
"Winnie is an amazing vocalist & very professional! Winnie is also very quick for a turnaround time while having the best quality as well! I will def. be coming back to use Winnie again! I look forward to working with ..."
"Kyle was awesome to work with. Took time to understand the ask, and execute in alignment with the vision. Talented and easy to work with - 5 stars!"
"Beautiful job on the sitar. Highly recommend Xavi!"
"Chris delivered a stellar guitar part, super friendly and great communication. I’m looking forward to the next!"
"Gal is a BEAST! He completely blew me away with how he amplified the songs vibe!! His skill is second to none, his creativity is what makes him unique. So awesome to work with Gal on this sweeeet track! Thank you ..."