Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Tung Auditorium Yoko Ono Lennon Centre Liverpool
Hello, I'm Amy Fitz Doyley and I'm super excited and happy to help you complete your project! Rates are based on the Musicians' Union Non-Classical Recording session fees: https://musiciansunion.org.uk/working-performing/recording-and-broadcasting/recording-agreements-rates-of-pay-and-consent-forms/bpi-agreement-and-consent-forms
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VT Mastering is your address when it comes to high end audio masters. Our studio and workflow is developed for efficiency without any compromises in quality. The hybrid setup consists of hand selected digital plugins and state-of-the-art, partly modified mastering hardware.
Just trying to make the world a better sounding place... and have fun while doing it!
"....2020 will be a spectacular year for our eardrums thanks to theDGTL and all the talented rappers who have blessed his beats" -Respect My Region Voted top producer in 2019 (PNW), theDGTL crafts a sound rooted in high energy, grunge influenced beats and cinematic aesthetic, featured on Ebro, Uber, Vans, and across the PNW's rising hip hop scene
Electro-surtido. Fusion. fast prod. time.
i am here to maximize your sound ,I will follow your ideas and your creativity to reach the best result with the right budget .
100 million Spotify streams in 2019, featuring famous pop artists.
Hey, my name is Yuma. I'm a producer from Berlin and got tracks signed to Sony, Universal, Selected & many more. I've been working in the music business for 5 years as a producer and as an artist myself. I have a passion for deep / house music and love making other producers' visions come to life.
My name is Marco and I'm a professional saxophone player degree in classical saxophone. I play with classical ensemble, orchestra, wind orchestra and live band. I have experience in different styles (reggae, funk, soul, folk, pop, rock) but I specialize in classical music.
Recent Successes
"Another great drum track laid down by Jason. Flawless."
"Matt did an amazing job turning around a master for me, at really short notice. I am very happy with the result, and I look forward to working with him again!"
"Thanks Quincy for this experience! Good voice good feeling! Perfect song 😊"
"Working with Paul was amazing. He was super invested in making this the best experience and product possible for me. The results of working with him were awesome and more than I ever imagined. If you need someone with..."
"Brendan did such an incredible job on this mix. No revisions were even needed; the first mix came out absolutely perfect. We'll be working together more in the future! "
"Thank you Milana, for another amazing piano track! For anyone thinking of hiring her, I give her my highest recommendation and praise. :)"
"This guy is the real deal! He knew exactly what my needs were for the track we created! 🔥🔥🔥"
"What I really appreciate is that I send Patrick rough sketches with some preconceptions of my own how it should turn out. Nine times out of ten he comes up with an alternative vision that elevates the track from the t..."