Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Sound of Popart
Recording and/or mixing services to take your songs to a new place - with depth, clarity and punch. As a life-long guitarist, I work from a musicians perspective. I love to develop and arrange a song, adding musical ideas where necessary, if necessary. Over a decade's engineering experience and 6 years working out of Bookmatch Studio, UK.
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Swedish Producer, Mixer and Guitarist with focus on Pop, Rock, RnB, Hip-Hop and Metal.
Musical prodigy Titus Aries Smith professionally known as "MISTRO TS" (Pronounced: My·Strow-Tee·Es) is an American Music Producer, DJ, and Musician. He is a newcomer in the Electronic Music scene, already amassing 350K+ streams worldwide he has built an original & notable sound around uplifting jazz chords and house-style beats.
Constantly Pushing Sonic Boundaries to give you the sound you desire and a sound your listeners will love.
Top Seven Tips for Writing a Technical Essay for College Technical essays can be very difficult to write. Unlike most essays you will write, a technical essay is almost like writing a journal article. You will need to pay a lot more attention to citations and referencing than you otherwise would.
Highly attentive to detail, I will put things in your songs that you wouldn't realize are there unless I pointed it out - what I call "ear candy". I promise it will elevate your track!
Motivated Journey of Md Jasim Uddin : A Youngest Entrepreneur and Artist In The Music Industry
Helping unique artists realize their potential through creative production and mixing. Specialize in dark or alt pop, and hip hop, anything escape room. Genre's are crazy today and Im open to anything so show me what you got!
Recent Successes
"Wow, where do I start?!! From the very start, it was apparent that I was working with top notch professions. I sent Mecca a very general overview on what I wanted to include in my song. Mecca came up with something..."
"Very professional and reliable. Definitely an artist and a vocalist I would recommend! Has a great understanding of what is needed in terms of vocals and music. Thank you for your help with my song! "
"Paul did some truly excellent work on my project. I could not be happier! Paul is wonderful to work with, very professional with great communication. Highly recommended!"
"These guys are amazing to work with! Their level of creativity, production, mixing and mastering has really brought new life to my track. I would 100% work with them again! totally recommend! :) "
"If you need perfect trumpet – Bruno is your man! He delivered a brilliant job with a bonus extra and very fast which was greatly appreciated. Great, friendly communication too. Highly recommended!"
"I have worked with Jenny for a while now, and what I love about her is her undeniable passion for music in every project she does. She always pours her heart into every song. A real pleasure. "
"Matt is incredible and such a pleasure to work with. I will for sure be returning to work with him again! A true professional."
"Terrific guitarist and arranger! It's been a pleasure working with Vladimir. "
"Remote recording doesn't get any better than working with Shlomi. This was the second time for me and like the first time Shlomi played a really breathtaking solo, delivered it a few days earlier and responds very qui..."