Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Rangos
Play with feeling.
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Here for all your audio mastering needs. We strive in great sounding professional audio mastering. Here to beat the prices and please the ears!!
When you've been working on a track for hours on end, its good to get a second pair of ears involved to help take your track to the next level. I can help with songwriting, part arranging and production to your track, as well as editing and mixing your records.
Complete audio and video production services from inception to release. 45 years in the business, we have a complete team of writers, session musicians, recording engineers, video engineers, producers, marketing and publishing services.
Ed Lobo, touring percussionist for Black Comet, brings 30 years of experience as a session, studio, and live musician across Latin America, Europe, and Australasia. He’s collaborated with Fly My Pretties, 1 Drop Nation, and others, blending rhythmic mastery with versatility. Discover his music with Ed and the Shadow Boys at edandtheshadowboys.com.
Male Hip Hop, Rap Vocalist/Songwriter
Quality bass, rock, and metal records from the Minneapolis underground. Being an independent artist myself, I work/vibe well with bands. I want to work WITH you.
Manny Quiñones Mixer Arrannger Guitar player
I will write you a Hip-Hop/Rap or an R&B/Soul song. I will treat your song as if it were my own. I specialize in Hip/Hop and R&B music.
Recent Successes
"Nate lived up to his reputation. Very easy to work with and excellent communication. We worked together on my single "let her Fall". I would recommend him to any artist. "
"Working with people like Tom is the reason why this site works for me. Amazing drummer, immediately got into the vibe of the song and understood its direction. Very high quality, professionally recorded, awesome sound..."
"CHRIS Is amazing and fun to work with! He met all my needs with enthusiasm and patience and delivered promptly! I would highly recommend him! He handles my obstacles swiftly! Thanks Chris for going above and beyond ..."
"Hadrien is a pleasure to work with. Amazing bass player as i am sure you know, beautiful tone, wonderful artistic ideas. Within a couple of days and couple of emails Hadrien nailed the bass line and has made the track..."
"can recommend working with fresh family. friendly people, very good music."
"as usual, great mastering. my go to mastering engineer. "
"Every song we have worked on together has been made better by Francey. And that's about 40 songs now. I think she is amazing!!!"
"Viktoria did an amazing job bringing my song to life, sending high quality vocals and giving me a well produced demo as an example! Great speed and communication! And she took the song and made it her own in some plac..."
"Truly amazing to work with WILL and we will do more for sure ."