Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Onion Brothers
30 years experience as a musician. 15 years experience as a producer, mixing engineer, and mastering engineer.
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An enthusiastic and well-versed guitarist with an academic background in music, marketing and music production. Recent guitar player for various musical bands and projects. Highly motivated, flexible, friendly and hard-working, eager to develop and contribute towards growth and achievement.
LP - Lost On You ( Vlad Ivan Kizomba Remake ) feat. Diana Astrid is the cover with the highest number of views on youtube on this track! 9,500.000 and still counting xD
Graduated from Icon Collective College of Music
Hi, I'm Tiffani Nicholle. I'm a professional singer/songwriter based in ATL. I've been songwriting for 4+ years and specialize in R&B, Pop and Hip Hop hooks. I've been featured in VoyageATL, VoyageLA, and Mita Magazine.
Hi! I am a French Mixing engineer, based between Paris and Buenos Aires 🇦🇷-🇫🇷 Check out my portfolio on Instagram! (@el.babel) Let's get in touch, and bring your music to life!
I worked with Polo G, Ray Vaughn And The Boy West Coast. I worked at a recording studio where I recorded and mixed songs.
Latin Grammy nominated producer.
Recent Successes
" I hired Kevin because i've been a huge fan of the work he's done with Depeche Mode and Nick Cave and he understands how to mix that style of music in a contemporary manner which showcases his tremendous ears and tale..."
"Dan is an extremely thoughtful and generous person! He turned around a mix and a number of revisions (being overly patient some very precious and neurotic tweaks, as well as some bouncing errors on my part) with stunn..."
"Amazing person. He went above and beyond, even added dope effects on my verse. I was super picky with many details of the song, and he adapted to each and every one. This dude is a legend. LEGEND."
"Nassim did an outstanding job! She delivered high quality vocals and was great to work with - she's a true professional!"
"AAA+ Mastering Engineer! Highly recommended, will order again for sure :)"
"Kiki is beyond talented vocalist and a great communicator! So professional and kind. She provided us with beautiful vocals and harmonies for two tracks - her expression, tone and vocal control are unmatched. A++ exp..."
"Killer voice!!! Communication, turn around, and everything else! Looking forward to the next one! Chris is the man!"
"Great as usual! "
"Mark is always the first person I go to for bass. He's so good it's ridiculous. He's also so very easy to work with! Mark is the best. "