Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Lybians
specialized in World and Mid-East styles, I play, record, perform and produce music worldwide for the last 25 years. Toured with Vieux Farka Toure, India.arie, Mark Eliyahu, Yemen Blues , The Idan raichel project and more. giving your track the sound that combines Mid East tradition with beats and harmonies from the Western side.
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I recently graduated from MTSU Summa Cum Laude with a 3.977 GPA. I majored in Audio Production and minored in Entertainment Technology. I have experience audio engineering (2yrs), recording music (1.5yrs), working in studios (1.5yrs), and running live sound (1mo), producing electronic music & hip-hop (16mo over 2.5yrs), and DJing (3yrs).
I take your mix to the next level
Detail-oriented Audio Engineer & Sound Designer with over 12 years experience in Audio Production for Music, Podcasts, Audiobooks, Films & Video games.
mixing mastering techno
Tell us about your idea. What is important to you in music?
Whether as a bassist or mix engineer, I provide professional, high-quality audio catering to your tracks. A young mind with fresh new ideas to give your songs the extra bit of musical creativity and groove it needs.
Mixing, Mastering, Dolby Atmos. 1x RIAA Diamond, 8x RIAA Gold, 2024 Grammy "Best Pop Vocal Album" & "Album of The Year". Unlimited free revisions. 10 years of experience.
Music Producer since 2018, primary focus on Pop/RnB productions.
Recent Successes
"Matty is really a master of his craft and i cannot thank him enough. He has mix and mastered 3 singles for me and always brings his best to the table for each track. I am very honored to be able to work with a profess..."
"Fantastic work! Ethan rocked this track totally out. Very quick and most of all professional!"
"Giu is fantastic! he really cares about his clients, very positive, great attitude and he really wants to work. He delivers a GREAT work since communicating with him is easy. Very PRO. 100% recommended "
"Wow...I am so elated that Joe was able to bring life to my song. After all, it is a Praise song. I am smiling from ear to ear. There is no need for the "Rocks to Cry Out" because that Cello really helps us to get o..."
"First class, pro mastering experience "
"Working with Luigi has been a fantastic experience. He is a very talented guitarist and produces professional recordings. Looking forward to our next project."
"Robbie is a brilliant singer! His vocal and emotional ranges are both beyond compare! And he's a really nice guy too."
"Unmatched talent who knows exactly what you need even if you're in introductory phases of your project. Highly recommend, those 5 start reviews are the truth, folks!"
"Josh has once again done a highly professional mix revision. He has this fine musical ear and the right feeling for the sound and especially for the mix."
"As always Jeff killed it, barely took any tweaking to get the mix exactly the way I wanted it"