Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Henningsens
Played with/for major label signed and indie artists both live and in the studio for over 35 years. Multiple #1 charting, Billboard charting and Grammy nominated songwriter, artist and producer. #1 CHR Radio #1 Starfleet Top 60 Dance Chart #1 Starfleet Top 60 Crossover Chart #15 Billboard Dance Chart Co-Writer Grammy nominated Rock Song of the Year
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I'd love to join you in bringing your projects to life with great sounding live drum tracks! All budgets welcome.
I am a Singer/Songwriter from Toronto looking to create dope music. Most of my songs are POP songs that I would like to add and an electronic feel to (Think Diplo meets Tove Lo and Julia Michaels). I have a wide network of people in the industry and I am looking to work with a producer that can take my songs to the next level!
Dove Award Winning Songwriter with 150+ million streams on Spotify spanning Kygo, Jason Ross, Merk & Kremont, Rome, Henry Fong, Social Club Misftis, Jeremy Camp and more. 30+ syncs on every major television network and streaming service including Stargirl, World's Toughest Race, American Ninja Warrior, Nashville, etc.
A South African hip hop lover with passion and dedication.
I am a producer and mixing/mastering engineer with over 20 years of experience in the field. If you are looking for a professional who can deliver great results but can also provide you with free music production and mixing tips then you are in a good place.
I am an experienced audio engineer, I can flawlessly mix and master tracks from any genre, I am also a very experienced producer, I can produce intrumentals from any genre, and one the special perks I learned from the mixed experience of music production and audio engineering is the magic to turn any boring song into a hit.
It's time to take your music to a professional level and with me you can achieve all your dreams. You will have the best in beat creation, mix and master to take your songs to another level. Do not hesitate to ask about the service you need, everything can be made.
Multi-Genre Producer & Engineer with a Hip-Hop background (Van Buren Records, Neemz, invada, Ibri, Rugireo). Since graduating Berklee College of Music with a Production & Engineering degree, I have now started working at Crosby Studios under the leadership of Bainz (Young Thug, Gunna, Travis Scot) and am available for remote production and mixing.
Recent Successes
"Chad hit me with another mastering for a track. Love working with dude always professional always in constant communication!"
"We have to thank Megan for her quick responses and professional work. She delivers what is needed and is one of the top performers on this plattform! Looking forward to work with her again."
"James is very talented and professional and also kind!! I am truly amazed by his work and would continue to work with him. Thank you! "
"I am really super happy from how Gal is professional he did all what I need and added more from his professional taste I did work for years in the business but with him you will find the best session drummer you will ..."
"Hands-down the best producer on this website. I have used gecko now on five songs and cannot be happier with the outcome. They sound modern, hit hard and feel like productions you’d hear on the radio."
"Grant has done a great job on my trial demo and now is proceeding to do the whole song. His pitch is accurate and he has added his own style to the melody."
"Raena was super fun to work with, she was professional and nice to communicate with. Her voice sounds amazing and I'm super happy with the final outcome. You won't regret it!"
"10/10 every time!"
"Working with Gosteffects was a great experience and I can easily recommend his mixing and mastering services, even if your requests are a little bit different than the typical loudness, warmth, and Spotify or danclefl..."