Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Hardly Used
Mixing & Mastering Engineer for Punk/Ska/Folk Artists.
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Be yourself and feel the rythm.
Academic Writing Services
Excellence in every track, or your money back.
My music gets played on the biggest festivals in the world.
I cater to your sound/ vision as an artist and believe in building long working relationships. I specialize in urban pop production inspired by artists like Snoh Aalegra, SZA, PARTYNEXTDOOR, Ant Clemons, Doja Cat, Ariana Grande and more... Let's work! (Please contact me for more current samples of my work)
Elevate Your Ideas and make your Music BANG! If you are looking for the perfect sound that resonates with your soul you have to look no further. I'm specialized in crafting, mixing and mastering music that speaks to the heart of Hip Hop, R'nB, Urban and Jazz music lovers.
I am here to create dynamic, musical, and nuanced mixes that bring your music to life.
Sonoram is a team of award winning composers, arrangers and producers. Our work for media spans from advertising (McDonald's, Fiat, MediaMarkt etc.) to movies and documentaries (featuring, among others, Oscar winning director Luca Guadagnino and Johnny Depp).
Recent Successes
"Austin let's his work do the talking (however he is very communicative). When he says he'll get it done in 48 hours it gets DONE, but wholeheartedly. I'm more confident as an artist working with Austin"
"Kramer feels my music, the music I love, and he does make it sound BETTER! Every single track I produce in future will be MASTERED only by Kramer, a real professional of his craft and a friend. Don't hesitate to send ..."
"Pat is an excellent engineer, and he brought the track to life in a way that truly blew me away. His sharp attention to detail and ability to shine a light on the most important elements within the track was noticeabl..."
"Another great and quick delivered Master from Dave. "
"What a man! This could not have been a better experience for my first SoundBetter project; Killian is so intuitive that he makes this look easy. He captured the spirit of my song, bared it's soul and gave it wings - w..."
"Great service, great communicator. Work completed in timely manner."
"Enguerrand did an incredible job on first song! Working together was seamless, and he truly understood my vision for the final product. The song turned out even better than I had imagined. I was very satisfied with hi..."