Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Halfway Kid
Remote drum recordings and drum loops.
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An Audio Engineer with 10 years experience, studied at SAE institute.
Hello, I am a audio engineer from Toronto Ontario. I am looking to expand my portfolio by offering high quality audio services at a lowered cost.
Artist/Songwriter/Music Producer. Low cost top to bottom production.
New York University Music Technology graduate.
Need pro-quality sound at an affordable price? I'm your guy. Pro analog gear and pro analog ears. Let's get your next project ready for release.
hire me to write your next single!
Here to help you finish your music. Mixing engineer for bands, producers and TV- and film composers. Specialized in combining acoustic and electronic instruments.
Lets tell the world what you have to say with your music and reinforce ideas in subtle ways. Im may be new on the scene here on soundbetter.com but Ive dedicated countless hours
Recent Successes
"I was looking for the right mixer to mix "my baby", So I was not sure who to go to. But I am sure happy I went to Brent! The first mix was fantastic, and after 2 revisions he completely nailed it! I can't really expl..."
"Joseph is a top-notch singer. More than that, he is a true professional when it comes to communication and service. He always offered to change certain elements and to add more backing, ad libs and harmonies. The proj..."
"Chad is a perfect fit for my company's strategic goals. His insight into product quality or deficiencies enhances the risk/reward tradeoff that comes with Chad's insight inside the industry of music and this is pricel..."
"Efficient delivery and I am very pleased with the final song!"
"Amazing performance and high-quality recording delivered fast!"
"Love working with Raf, super-fast quality work every time. "
"Super Pro! He catches everything I need. Smooth, Quick and So talented "
"Amazing experience working with Ivy. Her creativity and effort are tremendous. I'm impressed with the details and the hard work. The sound is just unique ,emotional and yet full with power when needed. I enjoy working..."