Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Girl and I
I have recorded 5 instrumental albums that are piano focused, and recorded/toured with a rock band for several years as a multi-instrumentalist (http://birdscanfly.com). I also love hard rock (Metallica, Tool) and electronica. Can work remotely.
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My name is Chris James from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I'm a freelance audio engineer, producer and founder of Dust & Groove Studios. I've worked with artists all over the world in many different genres.
Hey there! I'm Chris from Vilin Audio. I'm a producer with over 7 years of experience in Audio Production, Mixing & Session Drumming. I'd love to work with you on your next production.
ELIZZA is a London-based artist, singer-songwriter, and producer. She’s worked alongside producers from across the globe while developing a contemporary sound that takes cues from pop and R&B and fuses them with ELIZZA's creative edge. Her music has found an audience, gaining praise from the likes of BBC London, Notion, Wonderland, and more.
Hi! Looking for someone to produce a song for your vocals, or perhaps a score for a film? Look no further, for you have found me.
I just entered the SoundBetter network, therefore for quality and genre reference, please have a listen to Audio Samples
Do Producing
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Daniel Vildósola, an emerging producer and virtuoso on guitar and pedal steel, boasts top-tier credits with acts like HÆLOS, Willow Kayne, CMAT, Passenger and The Overland. His innovative sound, a fusion of genres with an offbeat allure, sets him apart in the music landscape.
Recent Successes
"If u know your stuff (mixing) .. Andres can do magic.. 10 stars experience... he is like a great Chef, If we can give him right ingredients he will make the best dish for u. "
"In the beginning it was a bit slow, but once he got into the project, it was straight forward. He did an amazing job. I definitely recommend him. I'll work with him on another project."
"Great work, talented artist! Shows quick results"
"Sam was fantastic from start to finish. His mix is technically outstanding, and retains the vibrant feel of the source material - great job! Was very patient and professional with our revisions too. Highly recommended! "
"Tyree is some kind of a genius in his proffesion, not only he has great music taste, but he also is a great listener, and the comunication with him is perfect. He patiently does his job and listens to client's suggest..."
"This was my third track mastered by John. Couldn't be any more grateful or happier. He is incredibly professional. Wonderful experience all the way around. I'll be sending more work his way, for sure. "
"I had a great time recording bass with Ben. Everything went incredibly smoothly. He had no trouble at all creating a grooving bass line for my song. And gave me lots extra to work with as well. I'm a happy customer"