Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Evergrow
Want to create music that takes the world by storm? Let's make it happen! As a skilled mixing and mastering engineer, I'll take your tracks to the next level with a precision that makes your music stand out!
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Songwriter, musician and producer/remixer since 1996. I tend to move a lot between genres. Lately I've worked on Balkanik pop, Reggaeton, Trance and Swedish folk music. As of august 2017 I'm working on a Death metal track as a producer for hire.
A hit song isn't a hit without a good mix & master. Let's work an I'll take your sound to the next level.
I am a Boston-based Audio Engineer with over 10 years of professional experience in live sound and recording technology. Whether you are in search of a FOH/Monitor Engineer orMixing/Mastering Engineer, I will provide you with what you need to keep your music sounding great!
You want more life in your music and need to Hustle for a professional song quality.. Now it is time for you to tress to free am here just stay in touch with me together we will make hit records. @masterpiecemusic records Inc.
I'm a music producer/touring keyboard player (Babyface)(Jennifer Lopez)
Professionally trained Jazz/blues/classical singer
An engineer from London, who specialises in mixing vocals, instrumentals and full tracks in several genres. I also specialise in mastering.
Recent Successes
"Josh did a great job creating a bunch of keyboard parts for me- highly recommended!!"
"Austin is a very patient and kind man, my first experience on this website and with such a job and it ended up so positive. He was understanding and understood very quickly what I wanted within a song. He had no probl..."
"Amazing voice, got exactly what we wanted for the track!"
"And another one! Great work on the track!"
"Working with paul was a pleasure.. his doing great job. paul's guitar work really added the sparkle and pop I needed on my track, communication was great and so many revision.. Thank you paul!"
"Great to work with Anastasia, great voice and improvisor !"
"Like always : Perfect ! "
"It's so great to be able to work with Laura! I am thankful to have such a great bass player to work with! To many more...."
"Yoad was lovely to work with, especially due to his patience and being able to work really fast due to my deadline. He got the song sounding awesome, the singer and me are very happy."
"Sean is super fast and always does an amazing job. On to the next song! It's a joy to work with him and a real pleasure."