Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Edge of November
#1 iTunes Charts Producer and Mix Engineer
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Music is my life. Let's make it better
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One Stop Shop for all your Sound Production Needs!
I am a Recording Artist, Previously Signed to Sony Music, I've released my Debut Single "All Night" which was heavily rotated on the #1 Danish Culture & music Radio (P3) and has about 600k streams on spotify, I released my Debut Ep 'Remedy' top track 'Loyal' currently streaming at about 1.6m streams. I write, Sing and have a long-range in Toplining
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Vibes 1993-
Song Mastering, Mixing, Editing Featured as SoundGym Hero of Nov 2023 + Golden Ears Award Mentored by award-winning audio engineers of 9-week program TREF
You need an Techno Producer to create, or help you with your song idea? Count on Me! #hardtechno #melodictechno #afterlife #afrohouse #houseoftracks #keinemusik | Prices From 200$ to 549$
Recent Successes
"Working with someone online usually gets tough but honestly not with the Master Ohad Nissim, I am so Happy with the final Mastering results, He had been so helpful and I really would consider working with him again fo..."
"Enrico played, wrote and recorded synth and keyboard parts for my song. Turned out very cool, and creative to boot. Great job! "
" As always, Andres and his team take all my projects very seriously and I promise them that I will always work with them and that is how I am always doing my highest stars for them !!!!!!!"
"Thank you Natalia for professional service And the sexiest singing there is in Sound Better"
"Great working with him…on time and definitely delivers great work!!!"
"I absolutely enjoyed working with Cosobatero once again. He's professional, fast, and a great communicator. Incredible at both drums and percussion. He listened to my requests and executed them flawlessly. I will defi..."
"Pilar is a delight to work with. She's very communicative and will keep you apprised at all stages of the project. She'll take the time to listen and form a plan prior to recording so that she can capture the vibe tha..."
"Working with Sara is awesome! She'll bring tons of energy and excitement to any project and is very easy to work with. She heard my vision for the vocals and performed something better than what I had hoped for! Defi..."