Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Dead Men Shoes
Mixing Engineer specializing in Rock, Blues & Folk Music. My goal is to enhance the emotional content of your song, making it as compelling as possible to your audience. Utilizing top-notch analog gear and a huge selection of the best plugins available, let's create a mix that elevates your vision!
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Recording/Mixing Engineer/owner @ Sound Awake Studio (Rome,Italy)
Hello I'm Luciano Barreto, I'm from Brazil in São Caetano do Sul. I have experience and a wide range of timbres to enrich your music. I have an electric piano Nord Stage2 and Yamaha S90 ES, a synthesizer Korg Micro MK II and Hammond SK1. I also have Kontakt libraries with many real sound sample, as Alicia Keys piano, Rodhes Scarbee Mark I, etc.
I can get your songs to sound professional in no time!
Hey, I am Jendrik from Berlin, I just finished my degree in music production and I’m looking forward helping you out with my versatile skills in creating music for an affordable price.
I'm Tom Siemerink, sound designer mixing, mastering and recording engineer. I've recorded and mixed songs for bands, singer-songwriters, pianists and more. I always work to deliver an end result that resonates with you.
Your go-to source for all your music needs! With over 15+ years of experience in the field, Juanjo will get the job done! My #1 priority is making your artistic vision come to life! If you're looking for a session guitar player, singer or composer for your arrangement needs, look no further, Juanjo's got your back!
As a music producer, I transform raw talent into polished, captivating soundscapes that resonate with audiences and elevate artists to their fullest potential.
Recent Successes
"Best of Best."
"Bryan nailed it!!! We needed pedal steel on a modern country/rock/pop ballad, without getting too "Nashville" with it. He added the tastiest parts and vibe to compliment our record. Fast and professional - Highly re..."
"You know you can find good singers on some of these web talent sites, but it's rare you find singers that aren't just good, but are really people who deserve to be on hit records, and these guys are that good. "
"Antti is an extremely gifted musician, a very reliable contractor and a really nice guy. I will hire him again, and you should too!"
"Scott has completed 2 LPS for me, and we are just about to finish the 2nd EP and move onto the LP! I can't speak enough of his talent, range, and professionalism. You will get a great performance and experience workin..."
"Daniela did an amazing job mixing a piano ballad for me. She has great attention to detail and works very collaboratively to get the best outcome from a project. I've worked with other engineers where I felt like I wa..."
"Wow!!! Did such an incredible job on my song...I'm actually amazed with how great it turned out. I came to him with an acoustic demo, and he listened to my vision for the song and delivered exactly what I envisioned a..."
"Joe gave me great options for the track, and really delivered what I was hoping for with some funky guitar!"
"Ashley did another amazing work for my demo. She is THE Best!! With her great singing and idea, she turned my demo into a whole different level. Can't wait to do next work with her! I always love working with Ashley!..."