Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Dangerous Dog Act
Remote production and mixing for acoustic singer-songwriters. 10+ years of experience as a singer-songwriter and producer.
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Guitarist, great rock, blues and funk sounds. Fills and Solos
I've produced, written, mixed & mastered tracks with over 150 million streams on Spotify.
I'm a seasoned songwriter, who has studied and worked toward mastering the craft by writing a new song daily. I've had songs covered by dozens of artists, and have sang and played guitar/bass/banjo/mandolin/keys/piano on several projects.
Professional multi-instrumentalist musician, dj and producer. I play synthesizers, guitar, piano, bass and what i need to make nice music.
Music Is my passion 😊
Been playing the Hammond Organ for 50 years and it's true today as it was back then, there is nothing that sounds like a real B3 so why settle for an imitation? Love to work on your song to give it that big Hammond sound.
Singer/Songwriter & Female Vocalist
Hello, I am an aspiring sound engineer. Currently looking for more work to put together a great portfolio. That's why I am willing to collaborate with you for small budgets and very short deadlines.
Recent Successes
"Very cooperative, very informative, and incredibly professional. Would recommend 10/10. Produced an awesome sound design for one of our projects and could not be happier."
"AJ took on a song I'd written way outside my own vocal range and sent it back better than I had been able to imagine it. Turnaround was very quick my suggested changes were done by return. Would definitely highly reco..."
"Amazing to work with. Open to suggestions on change in style, tone, pitch and pace. He was very quick to turnaround edits and give some samples of what he is thinking to make sure we're on the same page."
"Really great experience with Giancarlo. Got a great Mix & Master radio ready!"
"He is a great singer and a very professional person. I can’t wait to collaborate with her again in the near future!"
"Yaevin is an amazing singer and really super easy to work with too! She was able to get the vibes right on the first try and delivered everything really quickly. Will definitely be coming back when I need more vocals :)"
"Idan was amazing. So patient with me (im a newbie) and managed to make my vision come alive. Thank-you Idan"
"Awesome communication and final product! A++++ He found all of the sweet spots in the mix and delivered flawlessly 👌🏼"
"It was an absolute honour to work with her. Her voice is amazing, she combined my ideas and yours perfectly, the communication was first class and I'm already looking forward to the next project with her."