Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Charities
15+ years of experience engineering, mixing, and mastering. Have worked on over 70 albums with different genres, including rock, folk, country, and metal. Music is my greatest passion in life, and I would love the chance to make your music sound as good as it can be!
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Looking for a well organized, patient & understanding Engineer that will bring your Music to another Level, for a reasonable price,... ? :)
Fre$hJay is a recording artist, producer and audio engineer based in Oklahoma City. He is part owner of a production company, DXXBLE O, with his good friend/producer Dale Jefferson, HiVolumeBeats.
Session Drummer/Percussionist, Producer, Composer, Electric Djembe Inventor, SkyDiver, World Record Holder.
Everyone told me that I am crazy for wanting to make music so I told them that I will do it because I am Crazy.I know how it feels to be a producer with no moneys and that's why I want to make a change in my clients life.My life changed after I started to work with NPA and Harmor Records and now I have to give somethig back to the comunitty.
I have a futurist sound that instantly ignites creativity and great vibrations. I’ve worked with your favorite artists and know the Sonics of what great legendary music is.
My music can be heard in feature films like Recuperando a mi Ex, Hecho en China, Hilda and No sé si cortarme las venas o dejármelas largas. A few artists I've collaborated with include José Madero, PXNDX, División Minúscula and Malukah. Some of my Ad clients include Kleenex, Marinela and Silk.
Mixing & Mastering engineer
Denille "EchoBeats" Hampton, S Forest Ave & E 105th Stfavorite_borderfavoriteI have recorded and mixed for a numbers of local artists in the chicago area, from genres of hip hop & r&b, jazz, psychedelic funk. Artist from Young Vet, Rico da G, Yung Dave, Natureboi Mello, Davante, Dopeboy Kenny etc. Just to name a few. All my clients i have recorded their songs and mix, then mastered them as well.
Recent Successes
"I had a live performance recorded that featured singing & a drum solo. Cooper provided quantization for the drums, some auto tuning, mixing & mastering for recording. It was a lengthy process but Cooper was very patie..."
"Chelsea is a very talented producer and writer. She has a unique ability to get to the heart of song and is an amazing singer on top of that. I would definitely recommend."
"Excellent quality of work! Great to work with."
"Pablo is a real pro. He listens well and plays to fit and compliment the track. Groove, ideas, and feeling. We have worked with him on three tracks so far - each with a different rhythm and he did each really well. He..."
"Working with Jeff was an absolute pleasure. This was our first time working together, and it definitely won't be our last. Jeff delivered a number of takes for me to work with...more than I had requested... and his ..."
"Just completed a full hard rock album with Nik Hughes...and he is 100% Pro! This was my second project with Nik and he switched gears from acoustic rock to heavy groove rock like it was nothing. He's the nicest guy ..."
"Ryan was great to work with, very professional and very prompt in his responses. "
"Denitia is an amazing singer and songwriter. I had a wonderful experience working with her and she took my track to the next level. Will work with her again, no doubt. Lovely voice! "